This type of thing is probably the best solution to the walkable city problem...

This type of thing is probably the best solution to the walkable city problem, it doesn't bad cars or make driving impossible it just creates neighbourhoods where no cars can drive leaving the perimeter open to cars

Attached: superblock1.jpg (1000x716, 102.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll agree to walkable cities when libs agree to white cities.

Attached: walkable_cities.webm (480x854, 1.6M)

Based and Jim pilled

Suburbs and cars are a necessary evil since lib policies have made cities unsafe. Libs don't want us to escape the damage that they have created

This walkable citys are in predominantly white countries

Attached: honk.png (2048x2048, 803.92K)

Isnt the stereotypical walkable city Amsterdam which is like 75% North african, turkish, arab and Caribbean?

>Living in cities
I was born in NYC and went to uni in Boston
If you want to live in a city you're fucking mentally ill

As long as white women get raped (to show them a lesson) i have no problem with this

>Libs don't want us to escape the damage that they have created
And if you somehow avoid the nogs, they'll still shove their propaganda in your face

Attached: faggot_train.jpg (4032x3024, 3.19M)

They were walkable before the jews imported them
Also we need more trains

Attached: 1631035939891.jpg (1600x1200, 459.83K)

>suburbs and cars are a necessary evil
cringe. unironically worst post i've seen today. land with just housing and zero capital source is the biggest waste of land on the planet. it's either undeveloped land like national parks, rural farmland or cities and nothing in between.

You're fucking retarded.

>none of the privacy of farmland
>none of the accessibility of townhouse/apartment
but hey, at least you have a HOA to make sure you get fined whenever you don't mow your lawn

Amsterdam isn't fucking walkable. Try and a fucking bicyclist will slam into you from the back and knock you into an oncoming car.
That city is a hellhole.

> just turn everything into conrete and parking lot bro and die of lung cancer

I live on several acres of greenery and woods full of fresh air. It's you citycucks who are surrounded by concrete and asphalt and smog who want everyone else stuck there with you.

Attached: farm.jpg (1024x702, 272.76K)

amerimutt here, googled Amsterdam traffic and see this
lol holy shit, you weren't kidding. makes indian roads look orderly

That unironically looks nice for an "unbelievably busy" crossing.
Also, lmao at the top comment.
>I counted over 500 cyclists, about 100 people crossing by foot, and about 85 motorized vehicles (car, electric bike, moped, motorcycle) in the 9-minute video. That is about 3300 cyclists/hour, 650 people crossing by foot/hour, and 550 motorized vehicles/hour totaling to a *4500 traffic volume/hour*.
Yeah, and I counted thousands of white-skinned people, and a few handfuls of niggers/meds/indians and other shitskins.
I'll agree to those car/ped/bike statistics if leftists can agree to similar race statistics.

na, ur post was really low iq bro. go read up on why suburbs are bad.
Verification not required.

Don’t forget Japan, laughably safe to walk around at night. Violent crime is nearly nonexistent there as well

lol at the fat nigger

1. How are you widening and speeding up the black roads to support the extra traffic running around?
Also, tfw no difference between "pedestrian", "citizen" and "evil capitalist car driver": they are one and the same. Contrary to what the establishment think, crusading against one means crusading against the others, and they'll remember it.

how do cars even get anywhere