Why does technical analysis work?
Why does technical analysis work?
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It works but only in hindsight.
Because it's popular, while the analysis itself is worthless many people apply the same methods so if you can predict the next moves you'll profit from all the other TArds making the same moves after you
it works because retards like you believe it works.
its self fulfilling by participants in the market. only midwits think TA doesnt work, there just isnt a single person that can be right all the time and nothing is guaranteed
>Why does technical analysis work?
Because millions of people believe it works
It's literally that simple
Basic shit like MAs work because it's expression of basic and raw data
When you start getting into convoluted bullshit like fibonacci clouds or fart ratios or whatever the fuck, it becomes worthless
>t. Can't trade for shit
Wtf is Fibonacci cloud? I trade with fibs, tpo, harmonics had a 90% wr in August 300% account gain.
this. the price to pay is to get juked against your expectations. this week has been marvelous at that
stoch rsi >>>> price action
>Can't trade for shit
Who can?
Because it’s logic, the price needs to move how it needs to because otherwise you’ll just see big moves up and down every other second.
lmao at stochRSItards
it's an ok indicator but it isn't the be all end all. it can stay topped or bottomed for dozens of candles, may top happened on a tiny rebound blip as stochRSI was nearly bottomed, price can stay nearly flat as stochRSI does a full swing
simpler, always right, filters out normies. yup i'm thinking stoch rsi is based
it's not a leading indicator
Bollinger bands work 90% of the time, But the 10% they don't, You get liquidated
What's the difference?
Because it's ran by machines and machines are predictable due to the limit and parameters in their programing.
I noticed on anything under 1-4 hours depending on the situation you can predict RSI inflication points damn near perfectly but the price action moves before it rsi makes it to the predicted spot or sometimes price action goes for an opposite direction move in the short term then in the direction predicted. I am not really sure how to hand this and I get taxed on my entries
True, and it's always when I don't respect them I get fucked. And when I respect them I don't make money cause I don't jump on the train.
Indicators are just indicators, they give you an entry point, but the exit point is harder to figure. It's always a mix of fundamentals and technicals. Depending purely on technicals will fuck you. Purely on fundamentals too, as there still can happen some fuckery on some days.
It doesn’t. Insiders make guaranteed money. Everyone else is just gambling. This is all there is to investing.
>applying linear analysis to multi variable nonlinear problems
Science isn’t out yet on this one