Why can’t europoors just buy American or middle eastern gas?

Why can’t europoors just buy American or middle eastern gas?

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Because Bullshit. That's why.


think for a minute


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good point

well we can but, two things:
1. The total price with high transport costs (ships and a lot of them, instead of pipes) destroys any and all competitiveness of our remaining industry, predominantly in powerhouse Germany. When she goes, we all go.
2. There are not enough LNG tankers in the world. We already see that tankers are moved feom less lucrative routes (e.g Qatar - Bangladesh) towards Europe. Bangladesh is now going through an energy crisis as a result because the transport costs creep up to what tankers can make in Europe, making LNG unaffordable. So Bangladesh is now using DIESEL to power their electricity plants. And in five years I'm sure the IMF will berate them for not adhering to the UN's climate goals. And Bangladesh has this option; many countries in the South do not. Russia and China are queueing up to extend a hand with low price fuel and transport ships. So the CIA can spend the next decades fomenting 'revolutions' of how they are driving these countries into BRICS arms. And honestly, we should all go. I'm so fucking sick of American hegemony and constant interference when their own European stock citizens won't lift a finger to replace the whole jewed system. I am deeply ashamed of how you, our cousins let jews run the world into the ground.

Stealth Link fud.. hands down the best kind of fud.

Why not just buy arab gas then?

Check a world map karen

I think there arent any pipelines that dont go through russian occupied land so they dont want it as russia would still profit from it

Capacity. Qatar sells to existing customers in MEA and Asia. Imagine the entire consumption of natural gas of the EU, oh just build twenty terminals more? It's just impossible to overcome the shortage until everyone in the US dominated world ramps up production, Including Texas, Nigeria, Qatar. And to make matters infuriatingly worse, Holland, right next to Germany, is sitting on top of one of the biggest gas reserves of Europe. But they are fucking their own people over because they want to adhere to UN 2030 climate goals and the gas stopped. We are committing industrial suicide at the behest of our overlord the US. They waited for the Greens to 'win' in Germany and with it all the puppet regimes were in place. And now we have covid era lockdowns enshrined into laws in many of the biggest economies, what a fucking cohencidence. They will enrich the US and deal with the societal fallout and imprison any dissenters. I see the memes of Biden's speech about extreme Americans and you are fools for not taking him serious. It's fucking happening in Europe now and will happen in the US tomorrow. This is your dry run.

gas won't float if you put it on a boat

Chinese get their oil on boats…

What makes you think we have any association with you whatsoever?

that's oil sure and logistics is geared towards oil by tanker for Europe. But we use infinitely more natural gas.

nat gas is too heavy

They are dummy. Thing is there is no pipeline so it has to go via ships which is way less efficient.

Well I say it against better judgement. I hope to ignite a spark in you, the spark of your ancestral European peoples that fought wars for millenia. But I think maybe it's time to consider you a different race, a mix of everything.

but that was a cry for help, let's not slide into a Any Forums discussion.

Not enough available, currently the eu still gets Russian gas but now in liquified Form over China as a middle man.

Europe gets poorer
China gets richer