This hustlers has 10x profit bless that man Tate.
Josiah Gomez
Billionaires don't work harder/smarter than many, many people
Aiden Brooks
unironically, you need to find a mentor. Church is a good place to find men are good people and know how to navigate the business world. You could also try to get to know a private banker type who manages the money of wealthy individuals.
My dad has a private banking rep the handles some of his money, and I tag alone when he has lunch with him. He usually has a line on a good way to make a few bucks whether its rental properties or a good stock.
When we had lunch last week, he said Funeral homes are for real the hottest business to invest in right now kek He works with one of the big 3 funeral conglomerates (yes thats real) and their revenue is up like 60% since 2020, and they have like $6 billion in cash right now that they don't know what to do with.
>Three large companies now own 15% of the 23,000 funeral homes in the United States: >Service Corporation International (SCI) >Loewen Group Inc. >Stewart Enterprises Inc.
Nolan Cruz
Obviously, so many US boomers became millionaires by owning property which gained ridiculous value over time, yet they may be the most retarded generation ever to exist.
Henry Powell
Finally a non cryptofag with some valuable insights on this board, thank you very much.
Michael Collins
Easton Moore
You are either born into a rich family or you die as a wagie. Simple as.
There is no such thing as "self-made millionaires". Please familiarize yourself with the basics of economic theory. Value is derived from labor. Extracting a million dollars from your own (single person's) work would take many years. If someone is a multi-millionaire, they're either beneficiaries of a donation (e.g. from their parents) or they're exploiting someone's work (i.e. they're illegitimately in possession of means of production).
Robert Harris
You gotta be ruthless in business most of all, it's mandatory to be somewhat of a scumbag in business and be willing to exploit, or you'll just get fucked over at some point. Like in life, in business nothing's guaranteed, you might be making millions each year for 30 years straight, only to have your business go down the drain within a matter of months.
Chase Campbell
>Is hard work a meme? In a way yes. Just being a hard worker won't make you wealthy. But it does build character, and depending on your work you do, you may gain some useful skills and knowledge. So be a hard worker, but be smart about it. Don't let yourself be exploited because of it.
Nowadays yes totally incompetent people can make it with no work, just look at the dumbass redditors who invested in DOGE coin based on Elon Musk tweets.
While intellectuals invest in utility coins that dont pump, you could have been a complete retard and thrown 20$ at shib at the bottom and gotten filthy rich
Jason Sanders
Based and fucking checked
Andrew Ross
Buying when everything implodes. People still stay old.
Asher Harris
Checky check
Nathan Clark
Majority of rich people are utterly retarded. Its all about luck.
William Cox
Ask yourself:
What would you pay millions of dollars for?
When you have that answer, supply that to others.
Sebastian Gray
Being millionaire is copium.You want money because you want to attract some gold digging whore. If you would be Chad you could have young beautiful girls loving you and you would content working in Walmart.
Thomas Anderson
>average iq cousin >average at school >average at surfing >average doing his job at a construction company >Chinese start buying all real estate and every plot of land in his city >his old man dies and leaves him a house and a big plot of land in what was suburbia/semi rural city outskirts but is now prime suburbia land >he sells it for a mil and half >invests it in his own construction company and starts the same busyness >buys a plot of land close by and splits it in two halves >builds two small houses and sells it all to Chinese
And there you go. Average joe working hard and some inheritance and circumstances and he is set for life.