Anons, it happened that I got job for CIF transports of coal from 3rd world countries...

anons, it happened that I got job for CIF transports of coal from 3rd world countries, I'm totally new and have no network, any tips and ideas how to sell this shit asap?

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how do you get it out? sure is illegal. to out and in ?

how exactly is it illegal?

wym? there is the middleman who paid for them, I'm in charge to find end customer, coal is being transported by ship to europe or whatever and paid upfront by the distributor or whatever

Toll status : PAID

half paid. Paid in full is when the Americans finally chimp out and clean up that mess of a country from top to bottom and film the whole fucking thing so I can wack to it lmao

look for coal/oil middlemen or wholesalers. Depends on the volume. depends on the country if you can go straight to a power plant and offer them. I assume you know the grading/type of coal you have.

sure I know the grade and all the specifics. Amount of the coal is huge, I did few cold calls but it seems like it's too much or people assume that it's a scam because it's so much money. Calling directly to power plants didn't work either.

what port?

it can be delivered anywhere in the world but my employer tells me to focus on hamburg or polish ports because they're have biggest problems with this kind of resource. I also can't speak german

sourcing is from indonesia and colombia for CIF also having kazakhstan DAP, they gonna send me CIF from RPA soon if you ask me bout where it comes from

yeah Gdansk has a lot of coal activity -nobody in W Europe burns coal for now. Look go find sites like these Get some translation sites handy and search Polish internet also. Look for their energy companies ask for finance/trading desk. Same for Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian co's.
Use whokesalers as a last resort; they pay less obviously but have networks (end customers). Use Linkedin to search company names, pay for pro for a month to see everything. This gets you names at companies and right role.

whoa thank you for this link and advice user!

Referral. Try to get a referral. As in, do you know anyone in the business? Ask them for a referral.

Storage & Transport. Talk with storage and transport guys. They have the information and contacts you need.
They will want a cut, that you can indirectly offer. As in, they help you get a buyer and do then storage/transport for that specific buyer.
Information you want the transporters:
- Who has low storage
- Who has in a long time not bought from you?
They will want to do business with you, because you are indirectly their customer.
>> Offer a finished solution to the powerplant / end buyer, buy getting the transport and storage guys into your boat.
A no hassle solution with their help is also attractive for the guy that's doing the buying decision (They do the paperwork, but rarely pay themselves for your services)
>>>> If you are unsure how to get them on their side, start off with requesting an offer from THEM. For example: How much do you charge for getting 200 tonns of coal from Rotterdam to Borssele.

Germany. Everyone will understand English. No need for German.

Most places in the Europe have by now good enough edjucation, that you can expect the other side to understand English, if it's relevant for the job.

sure fren it's a start but hooe it helps

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awesome! Thank you for that

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black men have the self respect to physically abuse women when they're being retarded, and to completely leave their ass when they don't learn.


Call power companies. Email people like crazy from LinkedIn. Fucking retard.