There is nothing wrong with proof of stake. It works fine, is no more centralized than PoW mining farms...

There is nothing wrong with proof of stake. It works fine, is no more centralized than PoW mining farms, is perfectly secure, and is no less work than PoW is because sitting on your ass while your gpu guessed numbers isn’t work.

Attached: E9926943-4EAB-453A-995D-49E6C1052EAB.png (710x805, 389.32K)

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wrong and poor bait post

Attached: B1BADEEA-1CB8-4232-8F81-53B112FE28A8.jpg (1280x720, 99.88K)

Proof of Work and Proof of Stake are just Sybil Control Mechanisms, by itself they say nothing about Security, Decentralization or Speed.
its just Spam protection.

Attached: maoc6.jpg (1533x2048, 132.53K)

Not bait you retards just latch onto this shit to be contrarian as Any Forums always had
Jews don’t give a shit and buy Bitcoin and Eth in equal measure

Even Bitcoin will switch to PoS
The pressure will be too much

I really think so. The shilling has been extreme and non stop for years.

PoW is wasteful on resources there's no practical reason to keep it. Spent energy does not make it valuable you retards.

You could easily 51% attack a pos network by just buying enough of the supply, while it would be impossible to buy enough hardware to 51% attack bitcoin or pow eth.

>by just buying enough of the supply
have you heard of AMMs retard? You cant just buy 51% of the supply without breaking up the liquidity and making the price pump to infinity. God this board is full of larps

>Stakeholder "capitalism" vs. Labor and production
Gee, which one is the better system?

>it would be impossible to buy enough hardware to 51% attack bitcoin or pow eth.
Don’t know where you got that idea from. Especially if BTC hashrate ever has a sustained drop, which btw there is no fundamental reason why it couldn’t, you would see a lot of cheap asics hit the market.

Proof of Work isn’t “labor and production” dude. You sit on your ass while a gpu guess random numbers that produce no value.
I swear you retards just see the word “work” and immediately assume the miners are in a cave somewhere digging up Bitcoin with a pickaxe.
You can’t “easily buy up” 51% of the supply of Ethereum lmao

Do you even know what larp means? You don’t live action role play opinions retard.
And no, the price wouldn’t go to INFINITY by buying half the supply. The price would go to infinity if you tried to buy 100% of the supply. Just how mathematically challenged are you?
The difficulty of controlling the hash rate of pow in comparison to pos even extends to smaller numbers. Trying to get 1% of the gpus necessary for the jäheste is getting your hands on tens of thousands of gpus, which is extremely hard, even with a lot of money. On the other hand just buying 1% of the supply is expensive but easy.

the example with the AMMs was just a exaggeration nigger, most liquidity probably isnt even in in DEXes but in CEXes. The same with the infinity thing. If i remember right by buying half of the liq in a AMM that would make the price pump 2x, if you dont consider other variables (like bots that automatically calibrate the pools). The point is, theres not enough fucking liquid supply for you to buy a 50.00001%

to attack the ETH PoS as it currently stands only takes 33.33% of the staked supply.

how? wouldnt you get slashed?

you need to listen to lex's podcast with vitalik. I think it's the one that discusses quantum computing too. I'm no expert but he said it himself, and that's not assuming quantum computers are being used that's a biproduct of the PoS method he is implementing

idk the nigga has like 5 podcasts with vitalik lol, i watched some tho but might come back to them
This guy breaks it down pretty well

>dark forest reference in first sentence
based, im reading, thanks user