How do I ask my employer for sick leave tomorrow and also tuesday? i have the flu or a cold or something. Should I just text message or call them now or do it tomorrow morning? I start at 8:30am and it's Sunday 9pm now.
How do I ask my employer for sick leave tomorrow and also tuesday? i have the flu or a cold or something...
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Jesus Christ Arnold was perfect
Those are some clearly defined manboings
Yup, freak of nature
This is the most autistic thread I've ever seen, you're asking how to call in sick? A literal retard would know how to
Hi zoomer.
You call sick always on the same working day hence tomorrow. Obviously.
You don’t ask for sick leave. Obviously.
A flu doesn’t go away in 2 days. Obviously.
If you are a good actor you can call, otherwise email. Obviously.
Not sure what country you are from but I assume it’s amerifatmuttland based on your questions. I’m not a amerifatmutt but I know every place has rules for sick leave often stated in the contract or law which can be looked up on the internet. Obviously.
Bye zoomer
literally the perfect height
Roiding was encouraged back then. Everyone was was massive.
tell them you are sick and done.
status update. i texted my boss and she said it was okay but i need a doctor's note. ugh.
I took a week of sick leave and was sacked a month later lmao. I wish I had labor rights like Chadmericans.
there is no rest for you. now get back in the cage
my colleague's have taken 1 to 2 sick days (not annual leave) off every day for the past two months and they got paid for it. idk how people have the balls to call in sick each week.
I got written up once because I used up my sick days after getting the flu.
We have like the worst labor laws compared to any first world white nation tf are you on about
He is 6'2 you manlet seether
ha, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
>"Boss I am sick and won't be in today"
Sent an hour or two before work. No explaining why or what you have. If they want to get nosey in my medical troubles they can speak to the fair work ombudsman and explain why they were so curious about my testicle problem.
>1 to 2 sick days (not annual leave) off every day
>be retarded coworker
>be same race as director
>oh you’re black?? So am I!!!!!
>bro hug
>btw I’m sick tomorrow. And the next week. And the next. And the next.
>np :hi5: I got you :brohug:
i meant every week not day