Oh, inflation is bad? whatever we just brrr

Oh, inflation is bad? whatever we just brrr

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Bullisch und ich bin froh darüber

Bullisch, sehr bullisch.

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the government just wants to make it look like they are doing something. short term > long term

>inflation caused by excess fiat
>let's print more fiat to relieve us from this inflation
Hold assets. The governments are a one trick pony.

$60B of that should go into bitcoiens

Funniest part is that this has happened a hundred times or more in the past for 2000 years and it always has the same result. Yet politicians still don't learn. They keep doing it when the end result should be obvious

fucking lol

Politicians are just opportunistic parasites who tell the people what they want to hear in exchange for power
>if we (the people) don't learn from history channel, we're doomed to repeat history channel

Fucking retards. I hate living here.

Watch as 80% of it goes to ukraine

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Why not lower taxes to lower financial burdens instead of these retarded continuous one-time payments.
It's no wonder net-tax-payers are leaving in droves.

They want to destroy the middle class. And push the working class into poverty.

It has the same effect. More money chasing the same amount of goods leads to higher prices. People have been pretending that these basic principles don't apply anymore for a while now and look where we are

got you senpai

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I’d rather get rid of forever taxes than receive a one time payment. When will eurotards realize government hates them?

no matter what they will try to do everything will fall apart even before winter.
Not just Germany, all of EU countries

>spending your way out of inflation
And what about this one Vitalik, is this circular or 'spiral' logic ?

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>Yet politicians still don't learn
No. You are the one yet to learn that it's on purpose. It has always worked for them because of people like you.

How does printing money help inflation?