There will be no sudden bubble burst like a lot of retards are sitting on the edge of their seat for

> There will be no sudden bubble burst like a lot of retards are sitting on the edge of their seat for
> It will be a slow burn into oblivion as the West becomes South Africa (we're practically there already)
> The goal is UN Sustainable Development goals
> You will be a poorfag who works for and consooms from megacorporations that work totally against your interests
> This has happened because whites have been subverted and they were the only ones who were capable of withstanding this clown world
Tl;dr: mumus and bobos prepare your bum holes to be totally fucked, but if you're white pls don't kys as we still need you to make things feel a little less gay

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Why is Any Forums just Any Forums 2.0 now

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>I am the true contrarian with insider knowledge.
Bro... your LoL queue is about to pop. Also, you don't know shit.

These are facts, not speculation.
The amount of red tape and difficulties make it impossible for people to own their own business due to burdens of high costs and regulations.
A lot of countries are even making farming impossible.
How can a man make his own living now?

>my opinions are actually not opinions
>lemme just type it out like a first-year philosophy major! You'll see!!
Go back


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We are boiling frawgs :'(
Does anyone here even still have a successful small business?
Where are you and how are you doing it?

>Also checked

>5 fives

If the free market is eliminated, you are completely trapped.
The heads of the megacorporations are billionaires, while everyone else has no power to really demand a better standard of living since all resources are controlled including human resources.
We are at the point where we work to supply our own demise, the fruits of our work flow up to (((them))) and they use these buckets of currency that comes flowing in to pay off the media and pay off everyone to be part of their agenda.

Enjoy drinking cow piss, pajeet.
Coca-Cola tastes like sewerage because of the 1 billion of you which have made it impossible for them to use glass bottles and have caused sucarcane shortages meaning that now almlst all drinks use plastic bottles and artificial sweeteners made from a chlorine compound.

This global communism means that after decades of the West trying to bring everyone else up to their level, now everyone must suffer and be brought down instead.

The result of this multiracial communist ideoligy is that before Dr. White had 30 patients in his community which looked like him and he had a good relationship with. 2 years and multiple dingy boats later, Dr. White is faced with 50 patients half of which do not speak English properly and are unpleasant to deal with. This results in many of the white people fleeing that area and those that are left being subjected to the poor standards brought about by the non-whites.

Now that the whole world has economically gone to 3rd world status, all the cities like Paris, London, Lisbon, Rome, Berlin, Melbourne and New York have been destroyed and flooded with the 3rd world and the result is that these economies have become 3rd world banana republic tier.

There is no longer a major city to retreat to. How are Any Forums fags living their life and making a living?


Because smart people sold the top and don't browse Any Forums all day anymore

>This has happened because whites have been subverted
No this happened because whites voted for it.

>These are facts, not speculation.
No it's pure speculation.

The UN is funded by the US dumbass

Wise words fellow white and the US is controlled by the jude.

always have been, shit colored tourist. go back to r*ddit
>voting matters
you will always be a brown dumb parasite

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Any Forums has always been the financial division of Any Forums


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