Milk bros how do I get a Goldman Sachs job working with milk
Milk bros how do I get a Goldman Sachs job working with milk
Wtf is expressing milk?
I think it means using a pumping device to bottle milk from a lactating womans breast.
>"haha moo"
>depicted as ugly, stinky, angry, predatory
imagine the goldman sachs lactation room
oh i thought it meant she laughed and milk came out her nose or something
is the word nursing transphobic now?
she was filling a container
Is it a new word or am I just retarded, genuinely thought the verb expressing was only for emotions etc
no, it has always had a medical context
Nothing would be more enjoyable than walking into Goldman Sachs and upper cutting some finance bros
>She felt as if she would pass out after confronting a subordinate having an affair with a client who wrapped his hand under her jaw, pinned her against a wall and screamed, “If I could, I’d rip your fucking face off.”
>She stopped using the bank’s lactation rooms after a boss said she would never make managing director if she was pumping milk instead of working. When she went ahead anyway after having another baby, male colleagues moaned “Moooo” and pretended to squeeze their breasts as she headed to the lactation centre. One day she got back to find a toy cow on her desk.
milkcow hav ariv
>after confronting a subordinate having an affair with a client who wrapped his hand under her jaw, pinned her against a wall and screamed, “If I could, I’d rip your fucking face off.”
??? how'd he keep his job, what a faggot manlet
just bants innit
She probably fingered herself thinking about it later that night
Absurdly based.
Kinda sad we lost our mascot.
How about mind your own business and people won't kick your teeth out?
>fake made up story so they can signal to schizos about an upcoming bullrun
You're just retarded.
I don't think it's genetic, it sounds like your retardation is the result of not reading anything or learning anything new, hence you don't realise the various contexts and definitions that certain words have. You haven't learned to break down the likely etymology of a word to figure out for yourself its meaning in the context of a sentence. You haven't read arcane sentences full of words you thought you knew yet don't seem to make sense in the sentence yet.
Then again, you are a doge.
Retardation is better than your clear autism kek