>60 year old father asking about what "Luna" is

Normies are aware of LUNC, and will FOMO in as soon as the moon / burn begins. Lunc is just a repeat Doge, buy ASAP if you want to make it.

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Yeah but, what does it do? Are you really just asking me to join you in a ponzi scheme? It is worthless, so the only value would be as a ponzi scheme.

LUNC is the first community run layer 1 PoS Blockchain where everyone who invests can hold governance. You can earn through staking LUNC, which also lowers supply. The 1% tax on volume in the billions of dollars will drastically reduce supply over months, the price will always uptrend. This is a once in a lifetime chance to be a part of the greatest comeback in crypto history.

Attached: lunc dream.jpg (824x633, 84.7K)

No he didn’t. Terrible larp

Im shorting it

Greatest comeback how? It won't go back to 1 dollar.

Based, WGMI

there will be millionaires made even if it hits $0.01. I personally will have 300K off of a $300 investment if it hits $0.10. We are so close to dropping another digit and the price has already quintupled BEFORE burn tax implementation. How people are sleeping on LUNC still is beyond me.

Attached: lunc terrra pepe.png (640x877, 1.19M)

not buying your heavy bags faggot. u think u can sheep ppl into buying a dead coin that some discord channel pumped a little... lunc and luna are going to zero u stupid nigger faglet

>a few hundreds that already tripled from the price I bought
>heavy bags

Attached: laughing raccoon girl.jpg (850x850, 147.83K)

There’s no difference between 6.5 trillion useless tokens and 10 billion useless token

No more useless than shiba and we know how that turned out. So….the fuck is your point? That u wish to remain poor?

yeah, except the 10 billion useless tokens sell for way more

Attached: lunc mooning.png (900x506, 165K)

>I personally will have 300K off of a $300 investment if it hits $0.10

those numbers don't add up. if i sold my 15 million stack i will have made 1.5 mil

My dad is in his 60s and bought a cheeky 2 milly bag. God I love him.

whats it like having a present father?

So fucking delusional

It can 10x and maybe 20x

Once 2 or 3 whales dump it it will be worth 0

So many future luna bagholders adding to GME, BBBY, AMC

At least those companies produce something and can actually reach decent valuations if they recover

I bet 60% of luna is held by whales and they will syncronise the dump

You guys are so going to get rekt

i have a 5x long on shib rn

What is your exit plan?