Are you galaxy brained enough to understand spiral arguments?

Are you galaxy brained enough to understand spiral arguments?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-03 192727.png (1300x1501, 300.09K)

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>it's a circle but since we move forward in time it's actually a spiral
so it's a circle

moneyskelly's view is that recursive security protects the chain. he will be out to the test.

more like downwards spiral fucking kek

no-general-relativity-er detected

>have you been walking in a circle all day
no, i've been doing it all day so it's a spiral

He's just calling him retarded.

>spiral arguments
Crypto becoming more and more meme tier as time goes on.


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Vitalik replying to criticism is enough to get me to jump ship. I might open a low leverage short.

Imagine being incapable of understanding induction.

One thing is for sure. Ethereum 2.0 will moon or will crash. And we will find out very soon.

I am going to open a short, watching this pedo bug shill fall on his face while making money on it is the dream

Simply this.

Wow he just debunked PoS. Now all the other--even more centralized--PoS coins that have been running without double spends for years are officially debunked.

It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a cone scheme because it's more rounded.

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top kek

Yes. Actually it's quite embarrassing how retarded people are in crypto. They're like 105 IQ people who think they're geniuses because they outsmarted morons. Very cringe

t. don't hold btc or eth