Top 100 waiting room
Top 100 waiting room
I bought 500 at $20 and then was "going to buy more" as I waited for a dip that simply never came.
i boughy 10k of these pieces of shit at $3 and sold them at $5. i want to fucking die
GMX the biggest but by far the worst trading experience with worst tokenomics
If you can't see this then NGMI
>pays out ETH to holders
>literally leading the "real yield" charge
>makes more fees than everything except UNI and ETH itself, even only running a few pairs on a who L2
>GLP revolutionary liquidity solution
>worst tokenomics
you're welcome, btw, for giving you the opportunity to shill your bags
it feels like trading on a cex what the fuck are you talking about? never had a failed tx, it always settles in less than 5 seconds. gains and dydx suck ass compared to that
Usually "bags" signifies things you're down on, user. GMX is close to ATH.
I hate being poor, hopefully this will take me close to 5 figs
blessed thread
>Buzzword salad
Thanks I plan on shorting it once volume dies
>once volume dies
>revolutionary liquidity solution
>still only 4 pairs a year in
>now copying GNS architecture for more pairs
Quite revolutionary
ikft friend. had a bunch at $4, sold at $14. Had more at $24, sold at $40.
cope, gns will KILL your profits
Once GNS moves to Arbitrum, Gmx is gonna be finished. We will rape, kill, and pillage your market cap and there’s nothing you can about it, NIGGER FAGGOT. DEATH TO GMX. LONG LIVE SEB . LONG LIVE GAINS NETWORK. DEATH TO GMX. ALHAMDULILLAH
the fact that this is what GNSfags are like is why this'll never happen. you repel people with your 4chin bullshit
Oh look the GNS seethe squad has arrived. Why not just buy both? Hedge between the market leader and the rank 400 outsider?
Just accept it, you bet on the wrong token.
GNS wont go anywhere, suck it up cuck
ok op
tell me why I should buy GMX over GLP?
GLP is at 0.7 or something. I'm a poorfag.
Nobody Here in
Will deploy in Arbitrum this month.
Trading is fast and without spread!
It will for Sure Take some Volume of gns and GMX and it is at 120.000$ Marketcap.
202 of 10.000 max nfts in circulating.
All fees to nft holders.
You do the math.
Even 1-5Mio $ / day in Volume will it let fly.
But it IS very difficult to get some nfts.
First Sale was over in Seconds but there are more on polygon and Arbitrum soon.
Good luck bros
This. I bought FutureSwap instead of GMX last year because GMX had a higher MC & am still seething
GMX is the inferior product, but it doesn't matter because the macroeconomic outlook is bad and both will crash