As I approach 30 I am slowly losing attraction to women my age and slightly older. As a 20 year old I was still very attracted to women 5 years older. Now as a 28 year old I see 28 year old women and think “if I date her she is going to be 30 by the time we marry”. 30 year old women are looking super rough. How do you 30-35 year old guys deal with it? Are you actually attracted to women your age?
The weird thing about aging from 25-30
>attracted to women your age
not since i was a kid
Look for personality, believe me having a good looking toxic person is a living hell
Men's value increases as they get older to around 55-60 if they take care of themselves.
45-50 is peak attractiveness for a powerful rich man
women peak at 25 in physical attractiveness but that can be stretched to 33 if they take care of themselves and have good personality/motherly traits.
I still check out any women who looks hot even if she's in her 30s (I am 26)
But starting a family with one is out of the question.
Has to be early twenties or at my age maximum.
Not fucking young 18 year old girls with dad issues. Hello?
Peak age for potential attractiveness for women is 22 and men is 25
I'm 34. I don't think I'd be in a relationship with a woman over 24. Too much baggage.
I have a 16 yo gf I will have her move in at 18 she's s virgin I'll be 35 when she's 18. Tbh I'm chad af
No. Only go for younger women like god intended.
>t. 36 year old dating 18 year old
I dunno man. I'd say quite the opposite, was never into milfs or cougars when I was younger but now I feel attraction and sexual tension with 40-50 year old women.
And women under 24 or so are basically children, I can still appreciate physical beauty but it's not really attraction as the gap in maturity is so vast. Fucking sucks because I never got to fuck any of them when I was that age, but the way she goes boys.
Anyway Any Forums has a lot of demoralization trash that if you're an incel who rarely goes outside and never talks to women, you might mistake for reality.
Not all 30yo women are the same, there is a huge difference between a used up slut who has been riding the cock carousel and a normal woman who has had boyfriends but hasn't been a whore. They get a certain look about their eyes, it's hard to describe but easy to notice, look up that bitch Lainey and you'll see what I'm describing.
There are more normal women even than sluts in that age range, it's just the sluts are alone and angry at the world so they are massively overrepresented in internet circles like Reddit and Twitter.
Also by 28 or so it becomes very apparent the difference between women who actually take care of themselves, and those who coasted by on youth and have entered into terminal decline. There's no way to tell for 18-24yos. Choose wisely user
37 year old here. I love chubby BBW women with greying hair and wrinkles. Their confidence is so different than a 20 something year old woman and they actually know how to fuck.
what do you even do with an 18 year old girl besides fuck her brains out? they don't know shit
by the time she’s 18 she will have met a lot of other guys her age and will likely fall for one of them. you are taking advantage of her inexperience in life and you wont even get anything out of it, lmao
I didn't mean peak, my mistake.
I meant the cutoff age for attractiveness
it's all downhill after 25 for women and I wont consider them for a life partner but i will fuck them
for men, they are very attractive as a life partner, even until 50 according to dating studies.
I would argue women peak at 18-20 if strictly talking physical attraction.
>talking to roasties
You fuck her and watch movies with her, you got your male bros for talking
I like women that just look underage but I can still legally fuck them.
Most people - regardless of age, don't know and will never know shit.
No, I married a 23 year old at 33 and had my first son recently. Now I have the money I didn’t when I was younger, and the same age women I wanted to fuck then want to fuck me now. But, I know I have limited time before I get old looking. Use your next 5 or so years wisely instead of just plowing 20 year old pussy, or you’ll be in the same boat as the old roasties soon enough.
I think girls 30 to 40 who clearly take care of themselves are hot. Younger girls are attractive but they are almost always dumb and boring with an over inflated sense of self worth.
25 or younger, keep them legal, and as long as I like how they look, no problems for me
btw I know a 23 yo that legit looks like she’s 16, even hangs out with 16-17 yo girls sometimes, confusing
t. a 25 yo
Cut all contact with him. Send him one last text message telling him he's a disgusting groomer and you're ceasing all forms of communication with him. Never call him again. Never visit him again. If he tries to contacts you just tell him "I don't talk to pedos."
>30 year old women are looking super rough. How do you 30-35 year old guys deal with it?
I cope by dating asians
white people in general are in shambles
I spent the 4th of July with a slim 35 year old southeast asian gal that works as a tutor. She used her athleticism better than any girl I've seen in bed; she has me impressed with what a 35 year old can bring to the table in terms of companionship
Women peak at 17-20
Take the Leo pill and only date girls between the age of 18-25
Guess it depends where you live. I'm 29 and wouldn't date women in my area over the age of 23 because they all single mom it up or turbo wall at 24 here.
t. East Texas
He stayed with the first 2 girls for 11 years total. He had a connection to them.
After that he stayed with girls 3 years max, even when they're young. He doesn't have a connection to them. It looks really unstable. He needs to sort himself out.