How can I profit from goyslop shortages
How can I profit from goyslop shortages
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that is still perfectly edible
Voo vill zeat ze zgoyzlop unt voo zill zlike zit.
>Onions Green
It's people!
I'm literally eating goyslop right now.
Start a farm, silly.
*S o y l e n t Green
Oh my god, is your mom OK user?
Goylent Sreen
Man I just had a dystopian vision of a handful of people in ragged clothes that are now oversized on their thin saggy but somehow still fat frames.
They are so hungry they run towards the truck spill and fall to their knees shoveling the pink warm goo into their mouths as they cry.
in the camps the prisoners would lick the concrete floors after they were mopped just to get drops of water
of all the things globohomo has done poisoning food is the most unforgiveable
i get so mad when i see my friends eat that shit
What actually is that pink stuff?
Did you think the goy slop meme was jus that?
Why is that word still filtered after all these years? How many repetitive dumb memes does this site repeat and that's the one the mods get assmad over?
there will never be a shortage of goyslop. it's very simple to manufacture
wrong image
> Lean finely textured beef and Finely Textured Meat is banned for human consumption in the European Union
I'm confused. Do they want me to eat ze bugs and be happy or not?
It was real in my mind