DALL-E has announced Outpainting, a new feature which allows users to extend an image beyond its original border

>DALL-E has announced Outpainting, a new feature which allows users to extend an image beyond its original border.
what are the financial implications of this? what's stopping people from taking a picture of the chart showing price over time and asking DALL-E to draw the future?

Attached: girl-with-a-pearl-earring-1536x768[1].jpg (1536x768, 266.92K)

Well, looks like BTC is fucked for a few years according to DALL-E KEK

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The digital gods have spoken. Pack it up, people

holy shit, user you're a genius.

I massive money making potential there. Are you an American by any chance?

He figured out the cheat code somebody do LINK

perspective is so bad holy shit

Some day soon, it will be revealed that the mass collection of worldwide data, has been directed into artificial learning systems for decades behind the scenes. This has been done to narrow future prediction to a fine point. All major world powers have done and continue to do this.

>the roastie's house is full of clutter

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Is that the trad wife biz is always talking about?

I don't think this makes sense in the slightest but I'm interested greatly

would it be possible for an AI like dall-e to hypotetically turn a picture of my sister in bikini for example and hypotetically make her naked?

the year Y0on isn't looking too good for btc, make sure you sell the pump in ζA下I

terrible, everything about it is anachronistic. the AI needs to understand the time period to do this properly. someone needs to feed it historical context contemporary to the period depicted

>make sure you sell the pump in ζA下I
I love you bothered to find these random characters lol

what the fuck did you tell it

Pretty sure deepfakes can do that, user

>Some day soon, it will be revealed that the mass collection of worldwide data, has been directed into artificial learning systems for decades behind the scenes
Its exactly what is happening right now lmao its not even a secret

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baka tbqh mi famiglia

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Fuck I just dumped 100k into masterworks.