What's stopping Any Forums from creating a coin, pumping it massively...

what's stopping Any Forums from creating a coin, pumping it massively, and leaving the bag for redditors and twitterfags?

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That mostly stopped working after shitcoin summer 2020.

We're doing something like that Luna.
Pumping a rugpull and FOMO them back into buying our bags.

Literally nothing. Wen launch

>he thinks shitcoins pump during a crypto bear market + global depression

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You mean like we did with shib?
That was a textbook biz pump and dump.
Unfortunately, I didn’t profit from that because making money by taking it from Redditors is a life long dream of mine.

I see you are firstly a newfag and secondly a normalfag. But I have a good day so I will explain it you. I know this is just a waste of my time because you are subhuman trash with a to low iq to even grasps the reasons why this would never work in the 2022 version of Any Forums.
First of all we have to many newfag and normalnigger scum like you on this board, who would just dump the coin the moment they make a 2x togheter with all the pajeets. Second you can't trust anyone, the coin would just rug or newfag scum like you would just post about it on all the normalfag sites you frequent on a daily basis runing this plan. Third Any Forums is dead, there won't be enough capital or any good dev to do this project, the coin would be just a disgusting abomination of greed without any soul or funny memes.
I know that you are already trying to write a cope post about my points,but this is a futile attempt don't even try it you are to to low iq for this. You should better go back and never post here again because you are so worthless that even the 100 % worthless hard drive space of the 4channel.org web server more worth is than you.

Gonna, hoping nobody will think of my idea. It's literally on this board right now. Solves a big problem.

Like getting two birds stoned at the same time.

Here's a hint: de-regulated green energy.

There was a coin called NEET finance and the dev from biz got it one CMC like 15 minutes after launch somehow and the pump was unreal. We need that dev with his connections to do it again.

>what is ultrasafe, pregnantbutt
and probably shib.

Any Forums will get rugged by Any Forums instead before it even reaches reddit

this, basically
it's just basic contextual game theory

I've been here since 2017 user so I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest of your post

2017 newfags get the rope

That was shib

SHIB started on reddit

cope boomer

Did you check the times of the first posts?

They did. It was called SHIB

You could try, but I'm from Reddit and I'd report your plan, complete with screenshots, to the proper investors over there, before you could say 'dedicated team'.

You mean we weren't doing this with LUNC? I thought the whole thing was a prank.