

Attached: 1659277740894808.png (890x891, 1.24M)

I have nothing to apologize for since I never doubted.
Cardano is literally the biggest filter on this board.



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Can someone ADA pill me? Why is it worth buying?

ADA, ALGO, and ICP are my only bags bc I follow the scholars and nothing else.

Kek, stop wasting yar cash user, just check Yopi Network

>Backed by physical gold
>RPG games with many payout features depending on the desires of the player
>Yopigold pursue price stability by buying physical gold

sorry buddy, never shoulda doubted you charles

Cardano has the best staking out of all the L1's. Too bad I sold all my ADA a while back as I was consolidating into other tokens. Enjoy lads.

It's actually decentralized and doesn't lie about its TPS unlike Solana.
(tps is a misleading measurement anyway, since with UTXOs you can have multiple outputs per transaction, which makes large NFT mints or exchange transactions much more efficient)
Based on academic research and peer review. (you decide if you think that's a meme or something worthwile)
Clear roadmap for scalability and governance.
September 22nd for example will be one of the most significant upgrades for Cardano, after which transactions involving smart contracts will become much more efficient.
Then you also have upcoming scaling solutions like Hydra and new light wallets like Lace. (that allow for full-node security without requiring to download the whole chain)
Staking is worlds ahead of Ethereum.
No minimum amount required for staking.
Coins remain completely liquid without any lockup or bounding.
Staked coins remain in your wallet. (no counterparty risk)
Staking mechanism does not use slashing, so your staked funds are never at risk.

TY user


Based and Adapilled

Peer reviewed txns

I had some ADA. But Any Forums said Charles was gay, so I sold it for LINK.

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i don't like this coin or its developer, but it probably has the best staking system of any crypto. with other cryptos, big exchanges hold most of the tokens with no repercussions. with ADA, validators' rewards are automatically slashed if they become too big, forcing decentralization

>ITT "Any Forums" shills for ada
Major sell signal. I was waiting for Vasil pump to dump my bags but I think this might be as high as we go until next bull run

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You are the blackest gorilla nigger I've ever seen

Does staking in the official Cardano wallet allow auto compounding?
(noob question obviously)
I do locked staking at Binance right now with their "flexible savings" auto staking the rewards so it compounds a bit.

yes, you basically "stake the wallet", so your initial funds + any rewards together make up your stake.
Sometimes its confusing for people, that the rewards are listed separately from the rest of your funds, but that's just because they are deposited to the special staking reward address of your wallet.
You can "withdraw" them so it becomes part of your the normal unspent outputs of your wallet, but there is no need to and you'd have to pay transactions fees unnecessarily.

call prediction for next friday?

Thanks, OP. Your thread made me check the price of ADA, and it is now less than half the price I sold near a year ago (in BTC).
Just bought some.