I have no idea how to make money on stocks anymore. My last good play was SIGA calls but that play is dead now. Should I just sit back for a few weeks and wait for something?
Try some different styles dude, do some googling and try different things. 42 is waaaay too young to be dressing like someone's grandad. (I'm 41)
Someone suggested growing a beard which I think is a good shout, if you're balding, wet shave it off.
All is not lost yet bro
Hunter Myers
thats what I do. Energy going to take off come winter. INDO and HUSA is what you want to look at when that starts happening.
Just an idea I have. Thats what I'll be doing. meanwhile I'll look at microcap pharma stocks like NERV , AXLA, and RVPH
Lincoln Robinson
>buying options Betting against the market makers, thus always losing because you will never have the edge over them in TA, FA, or insider information. >selling options Betting on the market makers, thus always winning at the expense of other retail traders but your life is for the market makers to harvest at any time because they can ruin you with uncapped losses the moment they feel like triggering a market crash.
>international has always out performed America >small and medium cap has always out performed large cap >except since 2008 >ever since the housing crisis when the Federal Reserve turned on the QE printer all the accepted paradigms of investing have been broken >domestic vs internatinal, small/mid cap vs large cap, even growth beating value I hope you little faggots are diversified, because we're about to see the mother of all crashes. A decade and a half of BRRRRRRR is about to go boom
Charles Gonzalez
thats not OP, kind retard
Nolan Nelson
>From $2,000 to $2,500 in a day Nice
Isaac Kelly
>All is not lost yet bro He's 5'3.
Daniel Long
There may be some anons in a similar position though who would benefit from the advice. A man’s dating pool gets larger as they age but you can’t just sit on your ass and wait for the girls to come around.
>In September it will be known World War 3 has officially started...
>Once the realization has been made by the masses that WW3 has started THE BUBBLE WILL FINALLY POP selling will be as intense, if not more so, than March of 2020. We will see 2-3k down days again in the DOW. The market will crater, housing will crash, rates will spike, the USDX will leap towards 120. The Dow will crater down to 18-21k, housing will crash roughly 25%, and commodities will get crushed.
>I suspect this massive collapse in 3-4weeks away. The second we cross over until Fall (9-22) the Chinese are going to make their move and it'll be obvious to everyone what is going on.
>In the face of this asset collapse, and the realization WW3 has started, the fed will be forced to do the only thing it can - with the intense dollar strength and higher yields WW3 will bring the Fed will reverse course, AGAIN, and the dollars created will be in an even larger amount than EVER before - yields will be driven lower again as well but what makes it worse this time is the GAS and DIESEL will be needed for the war.
>It's not going to be like March of 2020 where the collapse hit energy and saved people with lower prices.
>The hyperinflation at that point will be driven by BOTH the shortages in energy AND a falling dollar value due to the restart of QE and Stimulus. This is how we get to never before seen levels of price far FAR worse than today...
>A man’s dating pool gets larger as they age That's only true if you have made something of yourself. If you're just a random wagie, your dating prospects will decrease as you get older (for young fertile women).
Landon Rodriguez
The Rubicon is when the debt is so bad that the fed needs to do QE to keep it down even if we need to do QT
Austin Foster
His posting history shows that even if he was able to get a date, he wouldn't be able to handle a modern woman in the US. Most men just weren't meant to make it. Most men are just meant to work, die in wars or be enslaved. No amount of redpills will change this. There will always be a 1%. The only advice I would offer someone like him is to find a safe, reliable call girl that you have good chemistry with and not to fall in love with her. Maybe a few 3rd world vacations once in a while. But give up any hopes and dreams of getting married.
>thus always winning at the expense of other retail traders Option buyers still have a low probability chance of winning big. >because they can ruin you with uncapped losses the moment they feel like triggering a market crash Keep cash on hand and gradually DCA into your favorite ticker using cash secured puts. If there's a bottom before you run out of cash, you can simply keep selling puts and lowering your average on your shares. Assuming the ticker doesn't totally collapse on horrible news, you'll get out eventually if there's even a small pump since you gradually averaged in to the dip.
~5% Divvy yield and mostly safe companies with general market ETF underlaying. This market is not so bad, I'm not far off flat for the year but my overall holdings have kept going up. Feels good man.