Post retroactively obvious crypto top signals

Post retroactively obvious crypto top signals

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>angry polcel thinking we will all laugh along with him implying that women are somehow stupid when women invented coding
go back you fucking idiot.


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This is all assumption, I never said anything like this you retard.

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Why do Golem come here? This is the last refuge of non NPCs. Go back to Instagram/facebook/twitter you are not censored there. You have no reason to come here. BE GONE

>women collectively get credit for something one person did

Man I wish I lived life on easy mode

when people make social media posts with their kids in them about crypto/stocks, that is my go to signal to sell. in fact anything social media related because you know that if something was fringe or under the radar, it wouldn’t see any social media posts by normies. when they start bringing their kids into the posts about crypto/stocks means peak comfort and complacency

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G'day, that's wonderful! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have you tried Yopi Network?

>Earn while you spend crypto in daily transactions
Pay globally with yopicash through NFC
No team coins
Few big partnerships coming up

Idk i don't think they're actually real people, they're either agents or bots or deranged trolls.

It's better if you don't reply, they just want to shitpost about le evil nazis to push anons away from the site.

If you see a coin being shilled on biz, it's a top signal. On the contrary, if you see biz fudding a coin, there's a good chance it can move upwards, but it's not certain. Just steer clear of anything nubiz recommends, these people are literal smoothbrains

so basically, if it’s enough to make you cringe, it should be enough to make you sell

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gorillajpgs while pointing out to gorillajpg owners that the previous bullrun had something called cryptokitties right before the collapse.


luna "som tin wong" kwon

Holy fuck it's real, I wish I saw this in time. Literally a huge, flashing red SELL sign with Planet Fitness level acoustic signals to go along with it.

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Wasn't this before the run up to 20k though?
Or did she do this twice or something? I swear I remember her mentioning bitcoin BEFORE everything started pumping

no, nov lol



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I wonder what the lights on the steering wheel meant at that moment

normalfags saying they should put their entire last stimulus check into btc at 65k+, the tweet got like 100k+ likes

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Nov 2020

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the tweet was literally THE top signal

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This was two days before the top and pic related was two days before the bottom
Its so easy these posts signal that the most Stupid money is making their move

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fair play maisie

yeah but you could have also dug up some chad bitcoin maximalist tweet pic from the same day instead.