/tlcg/ LUNC Terra Luna Classic General - The Journey To Overtake False Luna Begins Edition

interlinked Listen once per day:

How to STAKE for newfags

>download terra station on your phone
>create a new wallet
>go to settings and switch network to classic
>withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!)
>once you receive your coins go to stake screen
>choose a validator and delegate to them
>withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins

it's literally that easy.

>helpful links

>Worm hole for Wluna
>Staking rewards calculator
>Terra Shuttle sun setting video
youtu.be/HMVLiZpbpeo [Open] [Open]
>HCC video on delegations
youtu.be/EtrHi-kuDsc [Open] [Open]
>HCC video on changing coin rewards
youtu.be/TZFqryj4ee8 [Open] [Open]
>Learn to stake on Terra Station

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first for baboona

9 days until burn. WAGMI.

$1 eoy. ship it.

Checked. And it shall be done.

dubs and green id will make it,
also report your stack!

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Lunc fudders tongue my anus

Verification not required

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you gonna make it fren

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Fucking hyped bro.

baboona plus mac tonight reporting in

Dubs of course.

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FatMan reporting at launchpad.

Behold the man who got trips three times in the ancient thread!!
LUNC is truly blessed coin!!

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80M reporting for duty

i kneel brethren

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wagmi, fren.

I got wrapped luna on coinbase
what's the process to turn this into real lunc cause fudsters got me

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I sold at 28 and have a sell order open at 20, closing at 235. LETS GOOOOO

.00040 end of weekend
check em

Damn. I noticed a lot of digits in past LUNC threads. The synchronicity is unreal.

Let's goooo boys $0.003

>Oh herro! It me again, Do Kwon! You rearry think you make maw-neeeh wit *my* Runa?! Stupid waeguk! Ha! Haha! Hah! Glim Leperu Squad ded! I free man now! And Runa Crassic go back to zeee-rho soon, hehehe... Wut that? Tella Rebers, you say? Idiot waguk! Tella Rebers in *my* poket! Bwahahaha! Not your faurt tho, don't cry - was my genious plan arr this time! Have 90,000 beet-koooin, arr too easy paying off Tella Rebers, arr too easy... Paid off dirty benchod jeet too! FUD everrywhere, FOMO nowhere! Hihihihihi, master of stabrecoin I am again - Runa Crassic now stabre... stabre at *0.00024*, forever! GAHHAHAHHAHAHA! I win again! But that OK, you *rike* getting rugged! This rug best of arr, make me even more maw-neeeh! Rug you dirty peasant poors again and again and again while furking mah waiyf in expensiiiive kondo! We in Singapuru, riving dat birrionaire lyf! Because Do Kwon rich! And you poor! And now that Runa Crassic dead, Runa 2.0 *only* Runa! Sukk my rittle yerrow peenor you 개새끼! Do Kwon win again! Hah! You 좆됐어 now! GET FAKKT GANGAM STYLE! BI-YATCH!

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5 million Mac stack what else

$1 eoy

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Who else sold the obvious . 3 top?

6 milly Big Mac for the memes

$0.11 for September 11.

what the fuck was that???

I thought something got delayed so it was pushed back by a couple weeks.

Checked and God-pilled. EOY $1 triple confirmed.

18 million baboon here for the ride