but I have a 3 months long probation period. help me not fuck this up please
Tech company hired me
Add he/him to the bottom of your emails to start. They love that shit.
they seem pretty non-woke
which tech company? if its a mid sized one or bigger you'll be safe against doxxing, can offer better advice that way. if its a small startup, don't sweat it, worst case you get kicked out and now can find other jobs easier with your new experience
Just be yourself......... Oh
>be racist
ok, her me out people
I like racing
Make sure your boss likes you, that's the key.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where he has to fire someone, your ass will be safe.
and make sure you have a rainbow-colored flag, a sticker will work
Just dont be lazy, put in effort even if you don't have any idea, these periods are for companies to see if you have no work ethic or are a complete retard, be neither
shake their hand and crack a joke like "all gay slurs should be fired" and you'll have a 9-year contract.
be as submissive as possible for the whole month and when you receive your first payment start looking for shitcoins in dextools to invest, you should always have a second income
>buy yourself airdots
>open them
>put all their contents in your ear (make sure they are not noticeable)
>one day before you should record the most important things that you should say
>play everything back when it's time
>this way for the rest of the day
spy movies really work
>you should always have a second income
just have 2 jobs and that's it, it's not that hard lmao
KEK based retard
you will have experience in being fired
Make sure you fall asleep at every important event, they love that.
Dress nicely, be pleasant and strive to make a good first impression.
unironically, this is how I passed my entrance exam kek
make sure you take all your goy clot shots and do all the diversity training
Just don’t be a retard, the probation is just a formality
do not ever mention anything regarding woke/non-woke, people outside of trannies and Any Forums losers find it extremely annoying