Any wluna bros here


>3 different luna classic coins, lunc, some wormholed shit, and wrapped luna
>one of the bridges between these is shutting down for no reason
>this somehow means the wrapped luna I bought on coinbase is going to $0
>there's no answer on how to solve this issue
>you're just fucked

is it retarded fud or do I need to somehow unwrap by gay luna coins

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if only one of the two bridges are closing why can't I just use the wormhole shit instead of the bridge that's closing?
I got mine on cuckbase btw
how do I save my luna bros I'm same issue as OP

Sitting on a fat stack of Wluna, I don’t know how to unwrap. Mine is all on MetaMask. Seconding OP, Can I just continue to hold????

Reposting in this thread in case anyone wants my solution:

Withdrawing WLUNA from Coinbase by Transferring to MetaMask (will swap to ETH, which you can just use to buy more LUNC)

Good work. I found a simpler method:

>Create MetaMask wallet
>toward the bottom of the main page, you'll see "import tokens" as a link
>choose WLUNA from this list, you'll now have a "WLUNA" section of your MetaMask wallet with a balance of 0

>Go back to Coinbase
>Choose your WLUNA balance, and hit send
>MANUALLY type in your MetaMask address (and be sure to test a small amount to verify it works before sending your whole balance)

>back in MetaMask, your WLUNA section should have the amount you sent. if not, wait a few minutes
>within MetaMask, select your WLUNA balance and hit "Swap"
>Swap your WLUNA with ETH (or whatever, I can only vouch for ETH)

This last step may give you some issues, I had to add some Ethereum to my wallet (I exchanged BTC for ETH on Coinbase and did these same steps, minus importing tokens) to pay for the Swap.

Now all that's left is buying more LUNC before the price skyrockets. Thanks for the help lads. BE BOLD. BE BABOONA.

If you already have your WLUNA on MetaMask, can't you just swap for ETH? You may need some ETH in your account already to pay for the swap though.

what's the unwrapping process cause I don't want to sell

this worked for me

I couldn't figure that out, and someone in another thread apparently gave the wrong instructions so I decided to just settle for ETH rather than risk it. I'm now looking for an exchange with LUNC to buy with this ETH.

Aren’t ETH fees insane? It’s kind of why I dropped ETH and eth tokens altogether.
I only have 1 million wluna btw

it's sub 1 dollar, at least 2 hours ago.
you can buy real unwrapped luna on kucoin and kraken

I sold my WLUNA for USDT on Uniswap and bought LUNC. There is no advantage in holding WLUNA.

WLUNA is gonna get pecked to LUNA2, so they’re trying to fud everyone into swapping it for Lunc so you miss out on the real moon mission

*you are here*
>he thought WLUNA was gonna make him a profit
>he thought LUNC was gonna make him a profit
>he thought LUNA had a future after the "hack"

It’s just FUD to make you sell your WLUNA, brother. Just ignore these niggers

>It’s just FUD to make you sell your WLUNA, brother. Just ignore these niggers
But what's the advantage? I mean, if they're the same it's better to have the original one. There's no point in holding WLUNA right now.

I just swapped to ETH and bought LUNC on KuCoin I am locked in

WLUNA will be pegged to new luna, I.e. it’s gonna go from .0002 to $2

>WLUNA will be pegged to new luna,
Excuse me sir are you taking drugs as we speak?

>WLUNA will be pegged to new luna

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i transfered my stack from coinbase to metamask an hour ago and it's still pending wtf. I sent a test and it worked right away

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if they did that it would immediately rug the price of luna2 lmao but it would be hilarious

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