This board feels just like how it was like right before the november flash crash in 2018

this board feels just like how it was like right before the november flash crash in 2018

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Fuck off boomer.

This board feels nothing like any time in its history. It's unbelievable how this board keeps reaching new lows and still I keep coming back. I thought the shitcoin shills during the bullrun were bad, I thought the incessant bobo/mumu shitposting during the dumps from the top was bad, but now the board is more low IQ and soulless than ever. A wasteland of AI generated bears and LUNC spammers.
You're probably right though, I feel an incoming dump in my bones. The merge narrative is keeping the entire market on life support right now.

It’s a bunch of Any Forumstards new homes so this board ain’t dying yet.
Captcha: GAYNS

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that's great dude, keep holding out for that flash crash that you'll definitely be ready for and won't scamwick without filling your orders, it's totally worth it to grab that extra 25%

>Phoneniggerfaggot posting
kys, go back and never post here again.

Oct gonna be a scarefest

Hello juden

Because Bullrun shitstorms and spaz posters make it worth it. But remember this place is gutted when no one is interested or fomo’ing in from other boards


I am not a Any Forumstard I just hate phonefags like you. Any Forumstards should also go back.

I am on my phone, nigger
What are you gonna do about it, huh!?

Christ is king
Seethe and dilate

We are even expecting 2018's era pumps

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hello christjuden, have you said your prayers to Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef today?

bizonacci was the top

>and LUNC spammers.
>Noooooo you can't just talk about the one and only asset that's doing anything other than shitting the bed in this boring ass bear market.

and that's just on a memecoin, imagine on vite network itself


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every year it gets worse, there is nothing special any more

Don’t forget: you’re here forever

OP 100% I’ve been here since 16 and investing since 2001..

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WE are here forever