Are all of you unemployed neets?

Are all of you unemployed neets?

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No, mechanical engineer

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problem, wagie?

I graduated on Tuesday give me a break

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employed fronted webdev

I literally (and without exaggeration) spent the entire week browsing Any Forums while getting paid the equivalent of a firefighter's hourly rate.

wasa neet my whole life up til last year
now im in the army
god i miss it

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yes I made it last year and life has been great playing vidya and smoking weed whenever I want now

>bachelor of science, computer science
>!35k, 6 years experience

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How do you feel about being coerced into receiving numerous injections that don't prevent contraction or transmission of a virus that has a pre-vaccine median infection survival rate of 99.95% (Stanford)? 95% of the people hospitalized with COVID have underlying conditions (3 on average), yet you, the presumably young and healthy recruit who resides far outside the clearly-defined risk profile, nonetheless had your basic right to bodily autonomy violated to satisfy the exploits of politicians and pharmaceutical corporations, lmao.

no we're all techfags making 300k starting

God I wish

of all my complaints this one isn't anywhere near the top, wagies all over the world were forced to do the same thing it's not exclusive to the military. i did refuse the booster tho and almost got chaptered

Wfh Chad master race, pulling 280k/yr (some is bonus that probably won’t hit) w 2 jobs. One job is do nothing, the other actually requires a good deal of work. Still would rather bee neeting. The plan is work & trade up to a couple mill and neet it up.

NEET for many years here. It's depressing as hell, although I hate working so that's not exactly what's wrong with being a NEET. I think it's the isolation since everyone else is stuck working. I don't want a job, I want a tribe to spend my days with and work towards common goals voluntarily. I do have over half a mil in my portfolio and live in a paid off property though so whatever, it could be worse.

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Do you want to start a camp for wayward frens? We can make beadcrafts for you to sell in town

can I crash on your couch for a few years?

I also trade crypto so I'm alpha tier I guess you could say

Yes but I'm an educated programmer with work experience and still can't find work.

No. It is the weekend.

i'm an educated programmer without work experience. my resume is irreparably ruined from being a mentally-ill neet for years.

I fucking wish I was. I wageslave at a print factory and want to drive into a tree on the way to work every day.

That sounds fun, if I had land I might do such a thing.
Sorry fren but no thank you

>That sounds fun, if I had land I might do such a thing.
Come to the Pacific Northwest and we can do this, Eastern Washington for more land

I work 2 jobs. I still make under 30k. FML.