The smartest man in crypto just said that bitcoin is dead

The smartest man in crypto just said that bitcoin is dead.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-02 164410.png (2035x1042, 1.78M)

hmmm they same guy that wants to pamp hi eth split.

yeah bias much

also not the msrtest man in crypto

also bitcoin has been dead a few 100 times since 2010, how did that all work out

oh nonononono POW bros....

So the guy who made a coin because he didn't like btc still doesn't like btc
I am shocked and horrified, we truly will never recover from this

solve the verifier's dilemma right fucking now maderchod

In 5 years ETH will no longer be #2
And it will also not be #1


But it will still be 3
If LINK is 1
And BTC is 2

>listening to some autist brony faggot

A strange day is coming for Ethereum

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He is correct. Boomer coin has no use case.

hes not a brony, bronies are based

the true irony is altcoiners talking about the long-term consequences of bitcoin, when every single altcoins either fails in less than 10 years, or look nothing like it did 10 years earlier.

stability is what drives value, nobody can park money in ethereum and feel safe long term, those that do don't know what they're getting themselves into.

its quite literally the only decentralized blockchain, Ethereum is quite literally a hard fork of Ethereum classic (etc) and Ethereum (eth) has an infinite supply. very decentralized wow.

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>smartest man in crypto
>main was an SL-SL warlock

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don't bother. they don't seem to understand the dire consequences of being a blockchain valued for "utility" in the first place.

Enjoy your 3 transactions per second new digital currency.

as soon as you concede l2s are necessary for scaling, all technological arguments become redundant, and only intrinsic properties start to matter.

all i know is that back then
1 btc = 2000 eth
1 btc = 12 eth

Tell me ur a shill, without tellin' it

let GRT index history and pay them a cut of fees :)

They are necessary for boomercoin only

ETH needs another upgrade to scale. Two more years am I right?

You confuse me with an ETH maxi sir

what the fuck is the verifier's dilemma

I can't wait for his shittoken manufactory to finally fork off into piece of shit (PoS) centralization and fade into irrelevancy. God I hate this clown so fucking much it's unbelievable.