What the fuck is a "growth recession"?

Literally never heard this term used before until now. Even the wiki page for this bullshit is sparse. like 2 citations and 2 paragraphs of nonsense. We're about to get fucked next year aren't we?

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a few people will get rich while everybody else gets fucked. Weve been in a growth recession for a hundred years

turns out "gdp go up" is a retarded metric for economic health, too bad they're so deep into vernacular they don't know how (or don't want) to communicate what's really happening.


Growth recession aka inflationary recession aka STAGFLATION aka Fed pause then pivot is right around the corner. September FOMC meeting is probably the last big hike, might come in at only 50bps.


Attached: bezos_goyslop.jpg (869x1200, 142.78K)

It’s when you mean “recession” but your being sensitive to bullish and bearish investors

In an inclusionary thing (she/her)

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Isn't just kinda a law of nature that a small percentage get all the gains?
And then just a standard distribution from there?

It's a minor recession, just sugar-coated to sound better than it is. If Trump was still in office they wouldn't even be making the distinction.

That's literally just capitalism

If Trump were in office unironically the bubble would still be going based people knowing MAGA was happening.
It's all just feels.
Real things exist that's that. The numbers associated are all in people's heads.

Human nature and existence you mean.

A growth recession is when economic output decreases in real terms but due to inflation still reports as growth


its called doublethink


Attached: fedf-balance.png (1984x1492, 1.01M)

Communism is slavery and torture.

>growth recession
It is where there is so much inflation that there is GDP "Growth". But once you back out the inflation you see that there was no growth.

even if the market really were a free one

Ah, I think this follows the narrative that everyone should expect lower wages and more harsh taxes, for the good of the economy, while giant multi-national companies can still report record profits and growth. "Growth" for corporations, "Recession" for everyone else making less than 20mil a year.

We would end up with an economy managed by a watermelon seller