Why aren’t there any bitcoin maxis on this board? I thought Any Forums was supposed to be intelligent

Why aren’t there any bitcoin maxis on this board? I thought Any Forums was supposed to be intelligent

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Anyone remember that snail poster who posted everyday until btc reaches 100k. I bet he kysd

bitcoin maxis completely missed out on the 2020-2021 bullrun

>bitcoin maxi
You only get to pick one

There are faggots who identify as maxis but you aren't truly a maxi until you've been through two market cycles. There a few maxis on this board because most of them have a life.
t. Newfag who identifies as a maxi but has only been in the space for 2 years.

I feel exposed

I was a maxi until I watch eth outperform btc in two cycles. Now I hold them both

Its old, slow, and it pollutes. It will be banned in favor of POS

I will not eat the bugs

im here
always buying bitcoin

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because it's altcoin season my dude

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Still here fag

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If you're holding up that clown as an example of good maxi you're a retard. This guy needs to shill bitcoin because he needs it way more than bitcoin needs a guy like him. The best thing for bitcoin is for guys like him to go bankrupt.

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I saw him at a farmers market the other day fumbling around trying to find vendors that accept EBT.

it's up 69 million percent
at most you'll get another 4x
Rather hold boomer rocks. It can't be traced and is actually private....

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The smart money got out at 50k

Facts. I still own it.

This board is polluted with phone posting zoom zooms endlessly chasing the next Proof of Scam security coin. Expecting intelligence should be the last thing on your mind.

Kek I was going to post this. Bitcoin Maxis are the most retarded people in the Cryptospace. Even the Doge Meme faggots and Luna faggots learned something in the last cycle.

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if i wanted richards opinion i'd check his twitter, i don't need to hear it second hand from one of his cult retard followers