Have you prepared for what's to come user?
The stories are beginning to come in
it's the PFAS (aka "forever chemicals), a recent study found PFAS in rainwater ALL OVER THE EARTH. Everyone is pretty much doomed to premature cancer because corpos keep shitting the air up.
>have you prepared
I don’t prepare for things i don’t care about fag, the vaxcattle did it to themselves
Any Forums larp. if it's not about money I don't care and neither should you
Australia already has high cancer rates. Dumb cunt realized skin cancer exists
I hope you filter your water bro. Some of the shit that's in tap water will take you out as well in some places.
been prepared for a while now. I know its retarded , but I cant help but to think about buying a house. Something real, with some of the money I have. Its not only the death of the moron vaxxies but its the death of the currencies that be. Everything reset to 0 probably.I'll have to think about it further. Im not going to put 100% of my net worth into buying a house but a piece of it anyway...
Besides that... Got my closet full of canned foods and shit that will last me about 3 months. Got some gold, silver and cash in my safe. Im okay. Could be worse off.
30 years from now you either have clean water or you're poor and can't get the good stuff
what a sad life
>be 30 something neet with no degree and barely any work history
should I just wait to die or can learn to code actually save me?
You're on Any Forums
Nah it's been going on for months if you have been paying attention, but it is picking up now. The stage is set.
You still have life to live bro.
> At 24, I thought I was too old to return to uni
> 5 years later I had an MSc in Geophysics
> COVID hit and destroyed the oil industry
> Nearly doing a shit job data processor job from home
> Got a job as a data analyst, where I get to learn to code, and learn all kinds of other stuff
> Going to jump to another role with enpugh experience, back into the oil industry (Or mining) as a data anlyst/data scientist, as I will have the experience + the domain knowledge
> Also have a lovely gf
I too though too much time had passed. Then I bounced back again. It aint over if you keep getting up
that sounds really gay and i already have a 10/10 literal schizo gf
I'm vaxxed and I'm having pain in my right shoulder for almost a year now, but I'm too afraid to go to the doctor to check it. The pain started about 2 months after I got vaxxed...
You're gonna die I'm sorry.
>Any Forums - Business &
one more fortnight
there is a detox formula but since you took the jab you deserve it
I bet there is a 5g phone or antenna around you right fucking now but you wont do shit about it
My grandma is having a heart attack now… high levels of tropinin, I know she got vaxxed because she is in a nursing home. She’s lived a long life and pretty much just complains about everything now. I will be sad when she dies but I don’t know if I’ll cry