/smg/ - Stock Market General

>mfw this market


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>The S&P 500 bottomed out on March 6, 2009 at an indexed price of $666, also known as "The Devil's Low".

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>>"SPENDERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this CPI range before. There could be SPENDERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE SPENDERS" he thought. Pump It Up reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the $90000 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of inflation in the economy. "With a printer, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

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Fuck kikes

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stop selling or else

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Mumu? You ok?

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when do I buy SOXL

any euro market pros here? i need help pls respond

this is such horsehit. a 1.5% intra-day swing on SPY on no fucking news

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Reminder I'm slurping.

I can’t fucking take this anymore

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just don't user. its pure pain

stay innovative guys!

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but notorious jewish poster John Rocker was bullish

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Europe is a pile of dead banks and soon-to-be-dead manufacturers. I guess you can short that shit but that honestly feels pretty mean.

>price caps they said

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Is it too late for spy puts?

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Thread theme

They never listen.

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SQQQ the little nigga that COULD!!

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when you see current holders capitulate


I bought the dip and the bobo won, i bought the dip and the, bobo won, I bought the dip and the, bobo won

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>Partialism posters

thanks for playing

>best performing bullish trader
lmao, I'm starting to be concerned for Mumus

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Financially speaking, why are Apple(r) iPhone(tm) users like this?

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It dropped because gazprom stopped gas supply to Europe. The jobs report was good news but then the gas news came up

>it's already recovering
better luck next time bobo

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>red into a long weekend
Mumus won't survive this. I'm even tempted to leave my SOXS position into the weekend.

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I looked away from the market for a couple of hours and I see it tanking again whats going on lmao

Not only that but instead of a 3 day maintenance halt, it's an indefinite one.

Honestly though, who'd've thought an oil leak would be discovered in a gas pipeline? Weird.

Mumus are so dumb they try to make money in a bear market the exact same way they made money in a bull market.

>tested 395 again and immediately bounced off

Pretty bullish

5 year time horizon gives a big advantage!

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yeah i know its not good now but still anyone?

>$10 buying power
Getting over leveraged will do that

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L o o k , t h e m a r k e t s a r e s t a r t i n g t o p r i c e i n t h e C P I !

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It's probably just the afternoon dump and it'll go green into the weekend because murka or something, then dump Tuesday when everyone's spirits are high

I'm so tired of boomers. How? HOW is it possible to bang a hammer in the same goddamn place for weeks at a time. A hammer has very limited uses. Even by chance you would think you would be changing your location within a building while using the hammer but nope. Just keeps pounding away while I get no fucking sleep for weeks. Winter can't come soon enough. The boomers need to be froze out!

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I think Cathie Wood has been secretly also managing SOXL. The ARK charts and SOXL look uncannily similar.
Dark Cathie has made bagholders of /smg/. AAAAAAA

Gazprom cut gas to germany


...MY WAY...

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How much lower is this shit gonna go, is it too late to short?

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Gas pipeline to europe shuutdown -> euro and GBP take a shit -> SPX follows

Good for me, my UUUU ccs needed it

Nope. I'm from EU and I avoid anything from here. It's bunch of boomers running companies like if it were 1980s still.

what THE FUCK.................

check again

Shorting the market and making profits like A DR> MICHAEL FURRY BERRY!

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Sorry bud you’ve already been sighted in

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Reminder bobos aren't allowed to cum. Remember your training. Buy ze dip.

>There are still bullfags posting itt

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>rocker doesn’t realize he has been listening to old people sex for months now
I’m still green with my SOXL. Can you say the same?

Millions of Germans better fucking die for what they did to my portfolio.

Buy the dip!

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Ooooo 390 retest is next.

Hey bros, should I go all in on the S&P? The stocks always goes up and inflation is 0 so that means no more interest rate hikes right?

I am from Europe and I only invest in american or chinese for a reason. European companies are fucking horrible investments.

See They're cut off because the G7 retards formally announced their price cap "plan" for Russian oil.

stop being anti-islamic fren

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Slurp that dipperino, this is the dipperino you long awaited, is it not?

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Stay safe out there Eurobro you guys are getting fucked hard.

Hedgeye Chads will inherit the earth. Sitting comfy right now. Below are my asset allocations.

>GLD 7.05%
>IEF 5.33%
>BAB 5.09%
>DXJ 4.98%
>XLU 3.99%
>PLBY 2.85% (getting buttraped on this one)
>ATVI 2.58%
>WMT 2.07% (think I'm going to gross this up)
>TAN 1.98% (this is a stupid long idea, but maybe benefits from government gibs)

>JNK -1.62%
>SNAP -1.89%
>EWQ -1.93%
>XRT -1.94%
>WEAT -1.97%
>CANE -2.00%
>NFLX -2.03%
>CORN -2.06%
>XLK -2.07%
>XLY -2.07%
>IWM -2.39%
>LOW -2.6% (credit Mike Taylor)
>QQQ -2.62%
>META -2.85%
>XLF -2.93%
>EWG -3.83%
>EWI -3.89%
>EPOL -3.95%

This is how you make money in a bear market. Are you following #TheProcess, user?

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she looks like Lilly Hall

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8/10 well done

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APOLOGIZE NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cathie just yesterday sold TSLA.
It's going to pump hard now.
Just lmao if you think she didn't sell the bottom.

They already did..
No one left to buy until some big shark decides to slam the market hunting for short stops.

I have already made the cum
due to the opening of lord of dem rangz

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i bet there is good companies in all of the eu countries. i think it would be more natural to play them with time differences etc.

then i could trade 2 opens on days i trade. wish i realized this earlier fucking weekend is here.

This is a healthy market

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No I'm not green, I'm staying afloat by selling covered calls but I've had diarrhea all morning due to the stress.

>up 4% in my small caps
something's not right here

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the forest is getting kinda loud

You will own nothing.

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Wow. I wasn't expecting this little rally to ^ shape reversal so fast. Interesting.

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>or chinese

dude china is such a fucking scam market. american markets i would approve

When normies and boomers lose money I gain money!! This is the funniest way TO MAKE IT! heheh!

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>retards still think that price control works

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Today is essentially the exact inverse of yesterday

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Hidden tigers?

and we bottomed, buy now.

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served on a fucking log

I really hate sushi, it’s fucking disgusting

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Still better than europoor companies lol.

It's the turbine that powers the pipeline that's broken again I think. "Broken" or whatever

I recently learnt Emily has left Yahoo Finance, very sad.

Remember that time pre-hike when all the banks were falling over themselves trying to predict if there would be 2 or 3 hikes this year? Haha...

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You guys understand market is closed Monday. Prepared to be priced out of these quick buys. Tuesday bobo will be super fucking confused.
>humans trapped in isolation for long periods get horny
Npr at its finest

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Honestly shorting this market this month will be the easiest way to make it.

the only thing worse than chinkposters is chink food posting

How do I learn to be both intelligent and brave enough to buy in on something like this before 18:00

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you can tell its american because of the overt jewish influence to exaggerate and over indulge in everything