Steel, Copper and Nickel *steel* in demand (ahahah). Commodities Gigachads rise up. Also, did I mention lumber? You will hear lots about lumber this winter season. Lumber
im gonna pee on the stock market PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ok we can dump now
Isaiah Morgan
No,but from the pic i see symbols the Fmasons use.
Camden Cook
All I know is, the market is gonna do whatever the fuck the market wants to do, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it, unless your name rhymes with chrome dowell
imagine being on so familiar with Jerome Powell you get to call him 'Jer'
Nicholas Brooks
>all in on puts I gotta stop doing this, I mean its going to work out but I got to where I am by not being retarded with small lapses in sanity inbetween
Ayden Nelson
Also pic attached is me on Tuesday. I've been tell you guys to pivot for a while
I don't understand why we're green on a good jobs report when that means Jerome the FAGGOT will do a 75bps hike which will crash everything again. I'm happy I didn't fomo into puts, but I'm still down like 20% total. Might buy some after this bull trap