Yuo told me wagmi!!!

AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Already down 1k AaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaa

Attached: Screenshot_20220902-165504_Delta.jpg (1080x763, 273.61K)

L2urenuk next time

I need that money back, i thread in all our savings and my wife is going to kill me if she finds out. What do i do?????

>skitzing out over 1K
I've lost 30K in this bear market. Some anons have lost 100K+. If you can't handle the risks, don't play the game.

Just hold faggot

Not everybody can be a high roller like you. We slaves that money to invest in our home to combat high energy cost. I'm super fucked. I keep calling for these fucking scams

Attached: 1629574490396.png (458x477, 145.75K)

Till of drops to zero???


Confirmed fake, retarded, and inbred. Get chucked somewhere else chud.

Yeah, I lost over 100k. Feels fucking awful man. No I'm part of the five figure destitution club

>murder the fads before they murder you and yours.

>high roller
Nigger this is the slot machines you're not even in the VIP area yet.

where the fuck did u buy, how can u be losing money? I gave bizlets a freebie level and they could've got 15% if they took it..

Attached: Screenshot_165.png (1434x600, 32.72K)

No one threw more than beer money into this

Binance at 0.00029

Hahaha I tried to warn you faggots but you just won't listen.

Attached: today.png (1297x905, 190.53K)

Wow, you are a huge fucking retard loser. Congratulations. I'm glad you take pride in that.

shitcoin swingies stay winning

Attached: 1623682172726.jpg (728x636, 87.14K)

If you're not selling now you're definitely selling it at $0.00004 again.

>already pumped
i swear to christ if i dont get a good x10 coin in the next two weeks im going to blow my cock off with a sawed off shotgun

Buy if 0.0035 user

Attached: 1640418112085.jpg (400x400, 11.83K)

>Yeah man just hold it and dont read biz man just relax dude chill just hold faggot
>*drops to zero*
>Hahahah retard he fell for it lololol

uhhh anons the fuck is $LUNE supposed to be i just saw this on dextools its #1


Attached: LUNE.png (1777x129, 20.18K)

do NOT buy anything that's "hot" on ANY index user, fucking NEVER EVER

Only one way to find out. Buy and report back nigga

Attached: 1641849811699.png (254x310, 70.34K)