imagine not putting youre entire net worth into this man
Imagine not putting youre entire net worth into this man
I did
Why didnt he wear this shirt 2015
I would have gone all in and watch you suckers from my space shuttle
waht r eth price predictions for after the merge?
10k eon(ovember) 12k eoy!
dip to
why is he wearing a white supremacist meme on his shirt
enormous wangman
95% of my networth is in eth unironically. It's victory or death for me
i picked xrp over eth
I did and so is bitDAO. This is the future right here boys.
He has no arms
>imagine not putting youre entire net worth into this man
Typical socialist mindset. You don't put your money into a man, you put your money into the market.
it was a lie
>imagine not putting youre entire net worth into this man
imagine that man putting his entire net girth into you.
I got wood.
Buy $DOT
Buy $DEO
Buy $COMP.
>that retarded fuckin shirt
why is he so painfully cringe
All CEOs and important people in the world of crypto look like nerdy cucks
Unfathomably based. In DOT we trust