Higher numbers than expected for Aug jobs report

Higher numbers than expected for Aug jobs report
A 75bp hike is guaranteed for 21 September
Major sell off should occur before then

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In September we will have
>Fomc meeting
>Eth merge
In the span of two weeks. Imagine the smell of the liquidations.

nah you traded actual assets for collapsing toilet paper sorry guy your scheduled gains from your short isnt happening

>a stellar 20 month of sustained job growth
this is on par with soviet propaganda lol

Yup. If there's one thing the Fed hates, it's employed Americans. Hopefully the housing market crashes so he's forced to pivot

3.7% unemployment is the more important numbe from this release
slight reduction in 75bp chance as seen in the US02Y

It's going to be beautiful, $2.5k eth

This is up there with the gas price propganda
>Gas prices go up 3-4$
>drop 1 dollar over several months
>*Gas Prices still up 2-3$ on average

They will exhaust the strategic reserve in October I wonder what will happen afterwards :)

The effects won't take place until after the midterms. Then they will just shift the blame to the now republican congress and evil oil companies. And the public will continue to live in the eternal present.

There's no recession idiot. We're back in a bull market now, good news = good news.

>NFP below expectation
>unemployment rate above expectation
>avg. hourly earnings below expectation
>LFP up by a rounding error
>celebrated as a victory by jeff bezos's newspaper
you're fucking drinking the kool-aid, chum

no the oil-selling program ends well before the SPR is empty. we'll get a price shock in october because the program ends, not because the supply is empty. that's even funnier, really, because oil and gas will just storm right back up and everyone will ask "why did you sell all but the last few barrels???" and the media will be out there on election day and the day before desperately trying to put spin on gas prices leaping back up right when people need to get in their cars and go vote
anyway the bigger problem is later they won't have any money available to restock what they sold

labor market:

>screeches incoherently

>market added
does that mean people applied to jobs or they made the jobs available?

In this context it's hirings.

well then it doesn't mean shit

Attached: identifying cope.jpg (452x579, 46.84K)

87000 of those jobs were IRS and the other 275000 were made up. Liberal governments ALWAYS cause recessions

She looks genuinely happy to be pulling that lever and pouring a drink for someone... Ignorance or does she not know any better?


she's posing for the photo, most likely a local newspaper. Her intense glare would also suggest she's of modest intellect.
>she's retarded and excited to be in the news.

Just what we needed, 300,000 ass wiper jobs offering $2 an hour