Is he truly the epitome of being a succesful businessman?
Is he truly the epitome of being a succesful businessman?
Ask his hairline
I bet he has a really thick veiny cock
what if we ask his chin
Pretty much. Can't wait for his next Rumble video. I am a femanon btw, not paid shill.
>Is he truly the epitome of being a succesful businessman?
No. He's a nigger subhuman with a glowie dad. Anyone who looks up to him has the mentality of a 12 year old coomer.
Better whatever he's doing than waging
He's a Con Artist, user....remember No heroes.
He is the exact opposite.
And if you don't understand that, there's no hope for you.
The epitome of being a fag
Beta incel
What the fuck does his hairline have to do with anything? You realize he can go to Turkey and spend 5000$ on the best implants you can get on planet Earth? Making him have hair well into his 80s. You picking one thing about his physical appearance which bothers you just shows how weak you are and nowhere on his level. He actually owns up to being bald is still of higher sexual market value than you so suck it up and don't even bother replying to me because I've muted your author id.
Who? He got banned. Nobody will talk about him in 2 months
you know the rules
>post clip shitting on my pirate novel
>instaboost to 50 threads per day
He lives a pretty good life except for the whole "being a romanian" part.
that's a woman
>Is he truly the epitome of being a succesful businessman?
>no ak sock
wow he is so weak he has to have random people on the internet defend him like that
such a fragile hairlet ego
he is an unhappy ugly roider, fuck off shill
Andrew, are you ok?
Who cares, he is bald and has no chin. No matter how much money he makes or how successful he is, he will still just be bald with no chin. All this guys videos are pure cope.
doesn't even have a cock sock lmao