How a snake market would be ?

How a snake market would be ?

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Move your body like a snake man
Move your body like a snake man

Trade 'em for coffee, sugar, chewin' tobacco, salt, flour and beans. Lots of beans, son!

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sssssslipery and ssssssussspicioussss

Look, I'm lost and I need your help.

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No one have access to the price of the asset that you can buy or sell anytime except the elites and any "leaks" published for the plebeians of the price data would most likely be fake set up by elites for price manipulation


barti and suffocating

A snake in space moving around DOES NOT CAUSE THRUST. The snake would remain motionless.

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If you believe in the meme that rockets work in the vacuum of space, then oh wow dear user, I'm sorry for shattering your fantasy world, but it needs to be done.

When you use logic, reason and actual real science, you realize rockets only work (definition: propel themselves forward) inside an atmosphere. This means they don't work in space.

They can't work in a real vacuum. Any claims of the contrary is a fraud and a lie.

>inb4 you parrot "newtons 3rd law!" like an NPC without any thought involved

That law isn't in question here. Appealing to it to "prove" rockets "work in space" shows you don't grasp the fundamental problem here. The 3rd law is 100% correct. When asteroids floating in the vacuum of space crash into each other, you see the law in action. Likewise, the law applies to objects interacting on the ground on Earth, underwater, and in the sky. The 3rd law is 100% real. But the existence of the law doesn't help a rocket when its engine is fired in a real (perfect) vacuum.

You see, the atmosphere gets thinner at higher elevation until it disappears completely (out in space). That's the issue here. And nobody can get around that issue. Parroting "newtons's 3rd law!" or throwing math equations around, doesn't magically make the issue go away. That's just brainlets avoiding to deal with reality. They need to man up and stop avoiding reality.

If you're currently under the "rockets work in space! xd!" spell they cast on you through the entertainment industry and educational system (the indoctrination system), and you want to break free from that spell and shatter the illusion - then see these two educational videos (they play inside your browser):

> Video #1:
> Video #2 (also important):

Once you know that stuff, you know beyond any doubt rocket tech will never be viable outside of Earth's atmosphere.

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Not how it works retard
Imagine you are in space and you got a helmet.
Now you throw the helmet to the back
With that you move to the front
Thats how it works law of momentum conservation

No atmospheric pressure, zero atmospheric density = no thrust. It truly is that simple.

If you don't understand already, then the following educational videos, in addition to the educational videos already posted, may help you understand:

> Video #3:
> Video #4:


For those of you with short attention spans who have difficulty following scientific presentations in video format, see the pic for an educational illustration - it will assist you in understanding that rockets indeed do not work in space. You're welcome.

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I have no brain cells left to read all these and try and pretend to understand everything fuck you anons

I would like to buy putsssssSSSSSsssssSSSSSsssss plz

That doesn't even work on Earth when you remove gravity. Say you stand on a skateboard and throw something: only reason you would begin moving is because the ground isn't perfectly flat and hence because gravity is constantly pulling you downwards, you'd move a little bit towards the direction where the ground is slightly lower, the downwards direction, away from the elevated direction. You'd begin to roll towards that direction. Without gravity, or with a 100% flat surface (doesn't exist), that wouldn't happen.

Like thiiiisssssssss

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>fill a balloon with air
>the air inside the balloon is now pushing against all sides of the balloon equally
>untie the balloon
>now pressure is pushing against all sides of the balloon but one, and so the balloon shoots forward in the direction opposite the opening
that's how rockets work in space, an explosive venting of pressure causing the rocket to move in the direction opposite where the pressure is being let out. has nothing to do with pushing against air.

yes i know modern science has failed it, has become politicized and filled with gullible retards and normies who turned it into a cult. but you went too far into pseudoscience and became the other kind of gullible retard

>be in space
>throw helmet
>this causes me to mooooove
That wouldn't happen. If you think that would happen, then you have low IQ and/or you've simply been trained to """know""" that's what would happen; and you're incapable of actually thinking about it and picturing it in your mind. If you can think about it, then you know it wouldn't happen.

there's been a lot of pseudoscientific bullshit on Any Forums lately and i think it's all the same guy. he talks about interdimensional parasites feeding off "negative energy", he talks about the sun going nova at the end the earths cycle in 26 years, he talks about how rockets don't work in space. and when you push back he says you just don't have the attention span to watch his 3 hour cult videos full of misdirection, half-baked arguments, and other manipulative shit. and i'm getting sick and tired of this faggot.

what he doesn't realize, or maybe he does, is that he's only helping the scientism cultists by making people who question the official science narratives look like absolute fucking retards.