I am 33 and have never seen a vagina.
I am 33 and have never seen a vagina
a what?
Vagina is one of the first things every human sees retard
No fucking baby is dumb enough to keep their eyes open when birthed you fucking idiot. Imagine what its gonna feel like when the pussy juices enter your fucking eyes.
bros...how to not end up like op? im a 21 kisseless hugeless handholdess virgin
same but 29
thinking about using one of those escort sites soon
heard in gfe you can kiss the girls too. Im kinda worried about stds tho. also you have to send them a picture of your ID and facetime the agency first. so basically fully doxx yourself to some shady org
what did the one you see look like?
I fucked a girl 3 days ago and she told me the sex was so good she wanted a long term relationship with me. So I broke up with her the next day hahaha
I look good and I'm tall but I doubt it's just my appearance since I'm also balding at 24.
This is the least of your problems if that could even be considered a problem. Mainly your issue is that you created a thread in Any Forums and therefore are a parasite
It was pretty nice, those nurses have some well kept vaginas
Maybe so, but its better than never read a bible before, fren
how did you meet her?
It's really not worth it. You think sex is great and woman are beautiful until it actually happens and then you wish you could just go back fapping to futanari.
I was 29 before I lost my virginity. there is still hope for you retards
i was the same and at 34 i started banging
head up
feel exactly the same, I have considered escorts for a long time and have been close to pulling the trigger but STDs are what put me off bc I don't want to use rubber for penetration.. the whole experience seems fake to me but other guys aren't this picky so maybe it's just me... I guess because I want an authentic experience the escort just does not meet my satisfaction criteria, plus I want to have a connection with the partner so I can kiss.. but don;t want to kiss escort, god knows how many dude's dicks I'd also be kissing.. I'm just not degen enough for the whole thing in this format
>inb4 you can't have sex bc you are browsing le mongolian basket weaving forum
I never had sex or kissed a woman until I was 25. It was a combination of not socialising and having an absolutely rotten personality (was pretty much an incel)
When I started travelling more I met more girls and eventually one of them was kind enough to fuck my brains out. Still with her today. Just get out more and make connections.
Waiting in line at the bank and I just asked her where she was from etc.
Umm.... cheesed to meet you