i'm bored to death. i can't hang out on Any Forums wasting my life away. how do i meet those people living the high life, coming from old and wealthy families, flying around to fancy places etc. do i just sign up to an expensive private club and talk to people?
some background: in my thirties, having come to a 8 figure net worth with trading stocks, options and crypto. econ phd and i mostly sit at home reading books. white middle class background and, expect one girlfriend in college who came from old money, i was never in contact with high society. or really with anyone outside of school/academia and some internships...
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Angel Baker
lol faggot you are about as likely to get your mutt middle class ass into European okd money high society as I have becoming a chief Rabbi in New York.
Austin Brown
Becoming a woman would help OP
Blake Ramirez
why do you want to be a pleb among old money when you can be a king among plebs
Thomas Butler
youd burn your money quicky if you hangout with those kind of people just become friends with middle class people so you can feel superior to them, and occasionally take them on your boat and fuck teen thots
John Thompson
i figure that's where life really shines but maybe i would be bored there too, as i really enjoy talking to smart people. you should be able to have a decent conversation with these people, right? i just don't know what to do now. i don't care enough about details to stay in academia and i have too much money to consider a regular job/career. what would peter thiel do?
Leo Torres
old money types are skinny-fat and degenerate losers who don't read books and couldn't fight to save their life
stop romanticizing them
Jeremiah Williams
>how do i meet those people living the high life
I won the lottery 6 years ago, £24 million. I travelled a lot and realised no one gave a fuck about how much money i had. I was made to feel unwelcome when i went to expensive restaurants. Im not allowed into any of the exclusive circles, and when i approach women they are interested in sex as a transaction, and not as a relationship. Im seen as common scum that got lucky, especially when they ask what school i went to or what my parents do. I tried putting on a posh accent for a bit but they think its fake. Why are rich people like this, why can't they just accept me?
I cant even hang around my old friends because they fucking hate me and are jealous. I've offered to give the money to hang around but its awkward. Im in purgatory.
William Price
Start putting hits on their heads. Frightened populations are more open to change wrapped as a 'solution' to their problems. Allahu akbar!
Jayden Edwards
I am old money. Not the richest but the bloodline goes back as far as practically traceable. I receive income from several trusts and all of my ancestors were very prominent in their respective fields. I work in finance just to have a purpose and I too spend my time doing nothing. Not sure where I’m going with this. But one thing that sucks about it is that I can’t flex my wealth or that would be in poor taste, so women assume I am just some basic finance wagie, when in reality, my boss works for me
Mason Howard
They spent generations accumulating wealth for the specific purpose of NOT having to ever spend time with people like you. It's never gonna happen.
Brandon Ward
Do you hang around your family (network) a lot? Like having dinners with "important people"? The girl I was with, as mentioned above, tried to get away from her family as far as possible. All the social obligations were too much for her. I guess it's different when you grow up like this and it's normal and nothing you aspire?
Zachary Mitchell
Is that so? or do they just dislike people who don't share the same set of wealth, values, tastes, manners, dress code etc.? There are enough stories of people scamming their way through these circles.
Eli Richardson
Maybe you could meet women and give them the impression that you have a normal amount of wealth (or upper normal) rather than multidecamillions. Have you tried anything like that? And to be fair, unless you now put your money into something productive or rewarding, then you are a commoner who go lucky. There's nothing wrong with that so just accept it
Julian Cruz
sorry to say but if you're not western european you'll never be considered "blue blooded" or upper class, just wealthy new money. class is pedigree, and can be attained by wealth, but when you're part of the new money world: north america, east asia, you have less chance of being seen as high class than indians.
Brandon Moore
you'd have a better chance of being accepted if you got lucky in the markets. lottery winners are universally disposed when they try to act their wealth, not just the upper class. you can't change your entire personality around unearned wealth, it's crass.
Jonathan Cruz
Read Epstein's story
Logan Martin
>Im seen as common scum that got lucky, Exactly what you are
Jose Roberts
please tell us humiliating/interesting stories. As a Englishman myself, I can imagine everything you've described. I recommend going to the US - it's not nearly the same type of classism. You will get some 'respect' there, just for having money.
Leo Powell
he had things to offer at the service of the israelis, if all you have is money, well, they have a lot of that too.
Gabriel Wright
in that regard i got lucky, i suppose, because i'm a blue-eyed blonde-brunette white guy born on the European continent and having received my education in the UK (including a posh boarding school) and the US. i've been living in the US for a decade, though i'm thinking about moving back to Europe.