My girlfriend inherited a block of land from her mum that died recently, on her death bed her mums dying wish was that my GF builds a house on that block and to not sell the block of land.
The problem is this block of land was purchased about 35 years ago in what is now a very high end area and city, which extremely high building costs.
A builder has already offered 1.5M for the block, assuming they want it to build 4 townhouses in to sell for 850k - 1M each, which my gf refused.
The problem is she or I don’t have the money to build a house on the empty block.
I’ve said it seems pretty reasonable it’s just sold off, then she / we can buy a house elsewhere. She could buy a 500k home elsewhere and have it paid off while still having a million invest elsewhere, but she’s a typical woman whose all spiritual n shit and claims that she has to fulfill her Mother’s Dying wish and will never sell the block of land and will wait as long as it takes in order to afford to build a house on the block
Meanwhile she dumps you for persisting that she sell it, then 5 years later as the reset is in full seing the property quadruples in value and she sells off a chunk and builds on the rest with her new chad boyfriend who used to be ur best friend but dropped u like a bad habit once u got addicted to smack
Nolan Campbell
Why do all your thoughts immediately goto cuckolding?
Evan Thompson
This is interesting to me.. Bumping. Good luck fren. Women are tiresome.
Justin Long
Why didn't the mum build something on there while prices were cheap and rented it out? Search for mansions or nice buildings with huge acreage in the countryside. Convince her that such a building would be infinitely better than living in a townhouse and if her mum knew it was the case she'd want the same for her. Then start homesteading, have a bunch of kids and homeschool them. Get a husky or lab, build chicken coop, plant some fruit trees amd berry shrubs, that kind of stuff. Point is to sell her a better vision than the one she current has.
Dylan Stewart
Just park a trailer on it.
Samuel Morales
Maybe you could convince a lender or builder to build some townhouses on it, so you can still get your house and it gets paid for by the other townhouse(s). If there's not much space, maybe a quadplex so you could build and rent out the other units to pay for it. Banks will have a harder time lending for that but might have some luck with credit unions or smaller financial institutions, of course interest rates will be higher tho.
Alternatively, if you're not that invested in the relationship, marry her, then after enough time divorce her so you get half the ownership of everything. Since she probably can't split up the land and she doesn't have much money to pay off your half, she'd have to sell and you'd get paid.
Nicholas Reed
Huh? She’s in the right 100%. Stupid as FUCK to sell the property for peanuts. 1.5m isn’t life changing in any way and it’ll be worth 2x3x4x5x that soon enough
Xavier Richardson
this except you call it a "tiny home" if it's a good suburb
Cooper Watson
I’m not well versed in this but I have an idea, why don’t you tell her to lease the land, to builders and so you will have a house built on it and you didn’t sell it. And you make money off it
Jaxson Scott
If the land doesn't have natural wealth on it then it's worthless and only good for urban living, whereby you're subject to the same food and water supplies as everyone else.
lol just get a townhouse out of those 4 and 700k you fucking retard. you people never cease to amaze me with complicating such retardedly simple stuff.
Dominic Jones
Well it makes more sense that she sells the empty block, gets 1,500,000 for it.
Buys a house for 500,000 in cash, no mortgage
Puts 250,000 in ETH, 250,000 in BTC, still have 500,000 left but you now have a house paid off, a nice amount of eth and btc and another 500,000 left fun
Logan Watson
Lincoln Ward
Jacob King
I am not sure why you're asking Any Forums for advice regarding real estate. You should probably ask someone more knowledgeable
Jack Watson
don't sell that land user. And be smart and marry her, you'll both be set. In four years like anons say, it will be worth maybe $5m. A bank would gladly help you finance a home on it.
Noah Miller
> believes into something > not out for money > listens to her parents
Not how a typical woman is user.
Hold on to that woman.
May wanna check your testosterone levels though
Luke Adams
Hunter Turner
I would just command that you build on it to fulfill her wishes, but make it clear it doesn’t make sense financially to build a house to live there, instead to build some cheap rental properties because you said it was an expensive area so you could probably get a good amount, and keep the land and rent it out.
Also if you’re or her are vaccinated you’ll Likely die soon anyway. And if you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ you’re both going to hell so none of this matters.