My dad has cancer and i'm still a middle-aged neet. i need to make it as fast as possible. wtf am i supposed to do?

my dad has cancer and i'm still a middle-aged neet. i need to make it as fast as possible. wtf am i supposed to do?

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Be there for your father. Do not let his last memories of you be a genetic failure. Make it user, do it for him. When he leaves this mortal plane, he should leave seeing that his children became a success.

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Better get mentally ready for the wage cage.

Gimme your crypto faggot.

but i don't know what to do and i don't have a lot of money to invest in anything.
i don't live with my parents. that's not the issue here. i'm pretty sure i'm "unemployable" anyway.

you think anyone wants to see his kid with money before his die? Are you a jew? OP find a woman marry her and let your dad hold his grandson before he goes. That's making it. All the rest is just secondary.

i would love to find a wife and have a kid but how am i supposed to do that when i don't have a car and make very little money doing internet tasks?

invest in kleros, wait for gains and then work as an onchain juror despensiary firm and live of case dividends

How do you make money? I need a job but I have schizophrenia and nobody will hire me

task web sites like mturk and prolific

inherit his car and find a courier job in nearby cities.

if you're using your own vehicle, you're guaranteed to get work, but it won't be guaranteed to be profitable long-term. use your own judgment

Op is a begging faggot.

tried finding that kind of work when i had a car and never had any luck
begging for what? advice? isn't that what this board is for?

Get a job

give him your organs, he was more useful to society, he deserves it

suck my cock

That's your job buddy not mine.

If you have him drink his urine he will survive. Read into urine therapy.

Don't lie to him, it's shit, you gotta piss into your shit and make him a choco shake.

no i'm charging you for the privilege

Oh is that right?
Fuck off you begging little jeet faggot post your hands and a picture of your dads diagnosis and I'll give you 5k right now.

You got 3 minutes.

i've never begged for anything in my life schizo. why would i have his diagnosis papers? i haven't even seen him since his diagnosis yesterday.

Ah what I thought, now get the fuck off of here knife pajeet.