8 figure day trader here

I will post and leave you with 1 bit of advice

Treat day-trading like a sniper in warfare treats sniping. Do not stay in the same position sniping targets 1 by 1.

Even if you use the same strategy on the same position and hit successfully, you will eventually have an artillery shell land on your head.

You made a few good USDT/BTC? trades? Ok, end it. Now find another pair and trade that pair. Do not stick to the same pair trying to milk it forever. This will have you get destroyed.

The analogy of artillery finding your position and dripping shells on your position is exactly how exchanges function

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>Ok, end it.
So I become poor again?

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Gonna need a screenshot, everything blurred except balance. Otherwise you’re a larp

Kek nice larp
9 figure day trader here, theres no reason to stop trading the pair your successful with stick to the pair which you know like your underpants

>The analogy of artillery finding your position and dripping shells on your position is exactly how exchanges function
dude there you are just making an analogy to mario kart

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10 figure day trader here. Only trade BTC/USDT.

>trading 8 figures
nice liquidity bro

>9 the evil number
you have sugar daddy lmao

ngl doesn't sound like bad advice, changing shit from time to time really helped me avoid red numbers

11 figure day trader here. Newer exit position, Im holding btc since 2017 and yes i identify myself as a day trader.

>Im holding btc since 2017 and yes i identify myself as a day trader.
I sometimes regret that I was not smart enough to start putting money into btc back then, I could have retired at 30 years old

>Me and the boys changing bags to things like demeter because we hate each and every coin and only profit from them in a selfish way

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back then everyone was studying some shit, there was no time to get rich
what if nipples clicked in and out like a pens

that's just a stupid waste of money

the good old days, when dank memes were genuinely funny

Based, you have made the goddess proud

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it's weird that since I started getting into crypto stuff, I see too many japanese men

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20 figs noon trader, i can confirm that blueberries are actually green and it's all fault of the goddess demeter treating blueberries like greenberries
silly mistake you old faggot

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i fucking hate that game, its overvalued and overrated as fuck

>the japs know what is going on
oh fuck

>walking around like a british man
>smiling like an irish bitch
>flaunting the bags of a greek goddess

This advice seems like it makes sense. Hasn't heard it anywhere else. Thanks user