Does anyone else literally get off on watching retards fuck themselves on rugs?

Does anyone else literally get off on watching retards fuck themselves on rugs?

I mean the shit like LUNC, Dog bat, ICP etc.
Retards always cope with "oh I just threw in $10" but you know they went in hard on it, and lost everything.

LUNC is giving me a massive erection right now, I fucking love shorting this shit. Making money feels so much better when it's so directly at someone else's expense.
It's almost fucking depraved.

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I used to shill ICP when MM was still posting to retards, it gives me a massive boner knowing I ruined some incel's life.

would you feel good if you were gravely dissapointed after the fact?

i think you might kill yourself

>anyone else literally get off on watching retards fuck themselves on rugs?
what a fucking loser faggot, no i usually get off thinking about, oe actually fucking females along with the occasional wank

But I actually bought $10 of LUNC at the bottom and just sold for $100 million?

yea the GME thread LMAO

Yes 100x yes. Hex gives me the biggest hardon

What the fuck are you talking about, I can't even tell if you're a shill because your english is so bad

yeah i wish we had more loss porn from Any Forumsraelis, its why i started browsing WSB in 2016.

No, I actually feel bad for a lot of people. The only people I enjoy watching suffer are the toxic shills (aka, the buy Bitcoin at $69k, or you'll be poor forever, loser!) crowd.

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>I used to shill ICP when MM was still posting to retards
Exact same, I posted up one of the original LUNC threads when it was on the dead cat to $5, watching it go to zero was better than any whore or drugs on the planet.

Seeing seethe like this makes it all worth it, you just know these little faggots put way too much money into it because some larper mentioned Siege or some basket weaver tricked anons into thinking CZ will buy their bags to burn them.

It just feels too fucking good to think about. No mouth could ever please my dick like this.

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>Exact same, I posted up one of the original LUNC threads when it was on the dead cat to $5, watching it go to zero was better than any whore or drugs on the planet.

Shorted LUNC at $0.000294. Didn’t make it big but I’m making some decent returns now

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It feels good especially when they act rude. Fuck them

I made this pepe

yeah, kind of makes sense that the germans were the ones who came up with that concept.

>It feels good especially when they act rude. Fuck them
Yeah this is always it. You see them acting like complete pricks in threads, screaming jeet and stating as-a-matter-of-fact that clearly anyone who isn't a permabull on their bags must be a paid agitator.

Watching them get completely wiped the fuck out, and demoralized over the course of weeks and months to the point where their threads just get archived without a response?
It gets me off to unfathomable levels.

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No because Im not a pathetic, seething faggot isolated from a fulfilling life
