... when does Septembear start?
So um
We already hit bottom dude. It may drop that low one or two more times but dude... its over. It will be a slow crabwalk up to 2024. If Bitcoin goes to 12k or whatever, it ruins the entire crypto market FOREVER. The whales would NEVER let that happen.
retarded faggot
>If Bitcoin goes to 12k or whatever, it ruins the entire crypto market FOREVER
>The whales would NEVER let that happen.
$10k is coming in 2 weeks.
in approximately 20,160 more minutes
two more weeks you say
Today bear dummy
Nothing will happen, Bobo
don't tell me you shortoeded the bottom
Gas prices go up mid September
In an hour
september crash came early this year bobotard its up only now
You mean all the low IQ moonboy retards like you wouldn't buy back in if it hit 12k? Yes, that's exactly why we're going that low or lower.
Late September. Will be more an Octobear until the great slurpening begins.
Funny cause thats the price right now. 2 more weeks Bobos LFG
>Late September. Will be more an Octobear until the great slurpening begins.
probably this, have to scam wick all the shorts with a scam pump, and create a bunch of fomo longs to liq on the way down
It already did. But you missed one thing bobo, it's bulltember, and it's here to stay
>i can be a septembear adovcate and make money from the bulltember dextools
based on my book
mmm don't mind if i do
1k for a little bit of my time? sure, i already waste my time, might as well be paid for it
bsc x dextools is the forbidden combo
checkmate bears