I have a “comfy” wfh job that pays pretty well and only requires about 30 minutes of actual work a day (although the day might come when they figure out I do nothing), and it is so depressing that I’m genuinely suicidal and talk to a therapist twice a week now. Were the “purpose/passion” people right all along? I genuinely look at unskilled laborers with envy now. My girlfriend left me because I’m so depressed.
I have a “comfy” wfh job that pays pretty well and only requires about 30 minutes of actual work a day (although...
I’m convinced that man was designed to feel suffering when comfortable. I’m going to quit and go be homeless for a bit
Such is life
I want to eat there.
You can always create more work for yourself. What you've saved yourself from is 'having' to do work. There is no limit on the amount of more work you can put on yourself. Start a business on the side, do something that takes responsibility if you think that the lack of it is what's causing your depression. Don't give up what you've done with your job though, what you've set up for yourself is clearly better than whatever those unskilled labourers have to do.
Physical exercise and spending time outside, ideally at the same time, will make you feel good. I now work as a gardener for the city I live in but did unskilled labour for years. It sucks but you feel like you actually accomplished something at the end of the day. Even if it was shoveling river rock or building a brick walk way. Go outside, user.
>only requires about 30 minutes of actual work a day
Tell me you work for the government without saying it
Which level of the backrooms is this?
I was the same way. I actually looked that the threads posted here about how happy everyone was working from home, but I couldn't understand why. Covid pushed me inside and I was so depressed. Everyone else was jealous but idk why, working from home is isolating.
Nah, private. They just hired me and kinda forgot about me. It’s literally an office space thing.
Thanks, this is good advice.
You’re right user, I need to touch dirt. I have a longing for a group of guys I can banter with and work hard
What changed user?
I moved 1000 miles away because I saw that businesses were going to nip working from home and that they would require the covid shot eventually. 6 months later, I was right. They fired me for not getting the covid shot but I was fully remote and not going into the office 1000 miles away. The hypocritical nature was rich. Now I'm being memory holed about covid by everyone, I can't even have that.
Anyway user, the key is to move away and get at least a hybrid job. It's not healthy to be inside all day. I hate office bullshit too but every once and a while it is nice to get shit done in the office and talk shit. Hybrid is the best too because if you don't feel like going in one day, you don't have to.
You have to move. I made it 1000 miles in a uhaul to a state that wouldn't require a vax. You should go to a state that respects your rights and doesn't tax you. You only have one life.
WFH fren here. i watch movie all day long to pass time. Top gun 2 is not too bad
I make nearly $200k working from home and have likewise become miserable. I was much happier back when I worked in the office and had a lower paying but more engaging position. Yes, I’m firmly convinced the “purpose and passion” people were right. I think that, at least for me, the camaraderie of in person work was also a factor.
I'll take your job bro I love being comfy all day
Thanks fren, glad I’m not the only one. I can’t complain about this shit to anyone because on paper it sounds fucking great. It’s torture
For what it’s worth I’ve started to get a bit better lately and for me it came from realizing that the rest of my life didn’t have to be like this. The monotony of the same thing day in and day out slowly and subconsciously convinced me that this was it and nothing would ever change. It was only in retrospect that I even realized I was thinking that way. Consider making some real changes in your life even going so far as to move. It could help.
I keep trying to get a basic wfh job but keep getting rejected even by small tech companies, what to do?
>talk to a therapist
WFH is the best life ever. Just make sure you get out in the morning once, do some exercise at some point and talk to humans a few times a week and you'll be fine. The rest is just you being a misserable bitch which you would be in an office anyway.