Insider here. Jeff Bezos eating a Big Mac at 4:44 August 28th (exactly 1 month before smartcon). Give me 5 replies and I post the real proof.
Jeff Bezos is a LINK marine
This mf eating a Big Mac at 4:44 September 28 with CHAINS LINKED on his WRIST
go on...
Give proof. Bezos is some black budget DARPA shill. Will LINK be the currency of the universe?.
oh shit
I was about to call you a retard until i saw the timestamp on the tweet
bump for potential
ser pls
He's probably just a Saturnian. Many of the big players are.
The blue origin logo is a black feather
take your meds
Help a retard out...Whats the significance of 4.44?
bump gibs pls ser
Nice. This went over my head I stopped reading into stuff like this too hard when nothing at all happened.
I believe
Jeff is watching over us
>angel numbers
roastie detected
Bezos will be buying link at $777
why do i believe you
Because you're a desperate link bagholder
my brother that should go without saying. where do you think you are?