Are NFTs Scams?

I just minted this meme catgirl shit and I regret it instantly. Floor is like 0.02 eth and you have to mint at 0.05 eth. Did I fuck up or are all nfts scams these days?

Attached: 7EB16BD2-3DB7-41C7-957D-3C120C7465F1.png (2000x2000, 3.49M)

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Hahahahahahaha what a faggot. Of course they are a scam.

>these days
they were scams from the start. you think anyone cares about bored apes now? you think anyone ever cared about NFT as a serious form of fine art? At least it only cost you like 80 bucks, imagine being Eminem spending millions on his ape lmao

All value of an NFT is purely speculative, even more so than most any shit coin. Would you trust yourself to be an art dealer? How about for art where there are a thousand copies with the most minute difference?

All that said you got a pretty cute girl there, enjoy her friend ;^)

Doesn’t bored apes have like 1,000 eth volume per day? Is it all fake bots? That seems like a lot for a meme

It's a nice catgirl user. its 80$ you didnt get rekt 2 badly. enjoy it and do what I do and print it up and hang it on your wall. I have a small collection of nft I bought hanging up now

>Is it all fake bots
yes. people with too much money create a program that generates a zillion variations of one thing, such as a monkey suffering from ennui, then mints it hoping it will eventually sell.

She's cute!

Attached: hulk_and_bam.jpg (523x659, 40.77K)


NFTs are absolutely a scam.
Apparently the volume was 2mil yesterday alone. Granted I’ve seen the articles about how owners buy their own from another wallet just so that there’s a good recorded price in the ledger.

ITT: coping poorfags

yeah bros it's all fake washtrading no one ever made any money on NFTs you are so right

I remember months ago when the valuations were starting to fall but were still high overall some faggot was like "heh you poorfags can't even afford one BAYC" and look at it now.

Oh shit he's back.

you STILL can't afford one BAYC, poorfag

why would i want to pay for a scam? that's your job mate
a couple of people made money because the buyer bought into the scam. that's how this works. you either get conned into paying for a mint, or you know what you're doing and con others into believing there's some inherent value in owning one of these stupid things.

imagine spending money on that retarded shit.

how don't you coping poorfags get it that you sound the same as coping dumb Facebook boomers who think BTC is a scam no one actually buys with the same retarded argument as you are spewing now

you keep coping for years while others make money

During covid when art and concerts were shutdown NFTs were a way for artists to get money from a unique offering to their fans, think of it like that it's not about making money it's about supporting catgirl development

No one said that you can't make money flipping NFTs. Lots of scams make money for a small amount of people. There's tons of Ape bagholders who will be lucky to get a few bucks for their faggoty jpegs.

Ok so how do I make money on nfts? What’s the secret because clearly the catgirls is not it

What idiot pays 0.05 ether to mint a nft?