I warned you like 3 times that this dump would happen
I warned you like 3 times that this dump would happen
>predicts 20 of the last 2 market dumps
>prediction off by $9600
Don't bother bobro, I already tried.
Nice "dump"
The floor is about to fall out. Pure carnage awaits this whole month
Zoom out zoomie
yes my furry friend.
its literally the same price as yesterday though
>smug fantasy dump "I warned you" boboposting
lmao the absolute state of this board lately, save it for $16k you fucking losers
oh shit lads here we go
lets kick off september by smashing the 19,500 support
once it hits 18k the mumus that bought with their 2021 stimulus checks will be under their cost basis and forced to sell, then it's just inertia
please bobo kill the crab. but stop acting like you've already done it, it's pathetic.
Zoom out
I did, it looks exactly like the bubble chart
Zoom in
zoom out further
put on a shirt bobo
>I warned you like 3 times that this dump would happen
claiming to have spoken on an anonymous image board. sure bro, we trust you.
Why do mumus think the bottom is even close? Look at the state of the worldwide economy. Don't buy until at least mid-late 2023 and even then it may just dump/crab for another 1-2 years.