LUNChads...I kneel

LUNChads...I kneel

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Once I make if off lunc i will buy this fucking board and delete it

fuck that I am gonna mog nonluncers ridiculously

Don’t kneel just just chud.
These pumps happen before this coin is gonna get dunked on in a few days.

>really good entry price but only 4M
It's over for me

whats your address ill send you 1M

You know, if we make money off this, we should find what city that jajajajajaja spic is from, and commission a 20ft mural of a Rage Wojak, wearing at a sombrero and screaming at the LUNC logo in his home town

I am only on 2m, but 2m USD's worth of £££ would help my life a lot. I don't need a yatch

Why would you do that user?

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I was baiting, was going to tell the cunt to get a job

But that count is me.
Not cool man...

get a job

1 dollar lunc 2024

please set us all free from this madness, from the pain, from eveything
I don't want my life to be controlled by red and green bars and charts, i want to make my own destiny but this board holds me down, it has me chained down to the ground

>LUNChads...I kneel
We're not even in a 3 month high. Wake me up when 1 cent. Until then this is a dead coin and always will be.

good luck with that rug pull. you only 100000000000000000000000000x to break even LFG lunchads!
why the fuck buy utility tokens like LINK or backed tokens like BIT when you can buy the left over of a rug pull

>i-its not even in a 3 month high senpai. w-wake me up when 1 cent b-baka!

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>brown id
>Brown indian

Lunc will replace BTC and ETH.

If I make it, I will buy all my Any Forums friends and fudders a luna lambo. Holding big hands and laddering half at 0.001usd all the way too 0.5usd. The other half is to tie up demand, never selling so my biz friends can make it.

ily all and we are all going to make it frens

Now this is podracing

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