I'm thankful Chainlink held the Twitter Space

Unironically sold a portion of my stack for survival. I expected $35-40 by now but nothing they're saying/doing is bullish so I'll have to buy back in sometime next year. It sounds like a wink and nod from Sergey that we have a ways to go to start going up again, fuck I should've sold 10% at $50.

Attached: tweeter.jpg (788x1200, 158.74K)

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>next year
He stated at the beginning of the year that staking and CCIP would be released this year. He did not say anything to the contrary in today's Twitter talk.

sergey is a fat fuck that lost over 200m to a celsius pornwhore and there's still an army of deluded incels that believe all the bullshit he spews

The biggest nugget from the stream was the reduction of fees for putting data on chain. If ETH bends the knee on that it’s a big deal. That said he didn’t really give a sense of anything major being imminent.

Ser I just need another chance to sell my bags at $ 50, then I will stop defending that fatfuck

staking is definitely imminent

It's not what I heard. CCIP is in testnet, that will last a while given their security testing

That was the biggest take, Sergey gave a "this could take a while" feel which was completely counter to his new year's day video. Something must've caused a setback, but I am willing to bet staking v0.1 releases this year, and CCIP/abs layer next year

Did anyone ask him about OFAC?

sergey and chainlink did not lose a single dollar to celsius. retard

He lost his entire warchest that he had on celsius and you're a retarded piece of shit if you believe some discord tranny or link twitter nigger that says otherwise.
You think he's actually gonna admit to losing that? You're worthless goy cattle and will believe anything.

Stockholm at its finest. Zero chance CCIP comes out this year. Last time they were “finalizing” something was staking in 2019, which is still not out 3 years later.

Oh WOWWWWWW another “breadcrumb”!!!! 5 more years

yeah ccip will be a slow rollout but i don't think that would have moved the price anyway
staking might as people start to get the potential of the income stream

You might want to double check what that word means

Yep. Smartcontract.com listed as a creditor in court docs. So pathetic and dishonest how they pushed this under the rug.

this, I sold 90% of my 50k stack at $35. honestly just the mental benefits from having done that far outweigh the financial ones

Recording of talk here:

thanks user

I literally don't tune into any chainlink talk anymore. They're all utter wastes of time. The way they're stretching out every fucking thing they can means there's no point as if they ever think about doing any work they'll have it pinned on their twitter and sergey will do a world tour to announce the rebranding of CCIP to CICP.

Lucky guy

I had planned to sell off 2k at $55. It's been agonizing.

ccip beta will be out this year for sure. production yeah probably 2023