Why is it morally acceptable for richfags to get their loans forgiven but not middle class white Americans?

Why is it morally acceptable for richfags to get their loans forgiven but not middle class white Americans?

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>Why is it morally acceptable
its not

Toilet paper degrees with no job prospects aren't the same as a business.

holy fuck I hate debtors so much

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Blessed are the strong; cursed are the weak.

>boo hoo muh poor widdle students
they'll all be 10k in debt for something else in a year or less

Those PPP loans were created with specific provisions that they would be forgiven if they were used by businesses to maintain payroll; they were effectively gibs to the workers, who would have been left unemployed do to the retarded COVID shutdowns. The unemployed would have gotten the boosted unemployment benefits anyway, so the actual cost of forgiving those loans vs paying out more unemployment would have been about the same. Keeping them employed just made it easier for companies to put them back to work when lockdowns ended.

It should also be noted that the PPP loans were only offered for a limited time, and can not be had anymore.

Student loans were not given out with any specific provisions for forgiveness, outside of extreme hardship cases. Changing the rules now is creating a giant moral hazard; knowing that the government has forgiven the student loans once mean some people will expect it to happen again, encouraging people to not pay back new loans they take out, or to take out more in loans than they need. If the government stopped giving out or severely restricted student loans that would solve the issue, but obviously that is not happening at this moment.

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>Those PPP loans were created with specific provisions that they would be forgiven if they were used by businesses to maintain payroll; they were effectively gibs to the workers, who would have been left unemployed do to the retarded COVID shutdowns. The unemployed would have gotten the boosted unemployment benefits anyway, so the actual cost of forgiving those loans vs paying out more unemployment would have been about the same. Keeping them employed just made it easier for companies to put them back to work when lockdowns ended.

ask anyone who does small business tax/audit work and they'll tell you these loans all went toward record bonuses for owners as the requirement that these loans actually go toward the employees were non-existent. the requirement was that they had to keep the employees on payroll and demonstrate a reduction in revenue because of covid, nothing more.

kek they always manage to squeeze in the dig at israel, ignoring the foreign aid to nearly every other country on the planet

Sounds like poor business planning to me
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Every single business should've gone under if they could not operate without their jew handouts

Clown market would have ended a long time ago if not for these PPP gibs

They are literally already suggesting credit card bailouts. These people are too retarded to take responsibility for anything and want you to food the bill. They are also only 15% of the millennial population. This can be solved very easily by removing them from the country.

I wouldn't call it poor business planning; before COVID who could have predicted that governments around the world would go batshit crazy over a bad cold? Governments acting in such an unpredictable manner are a big cause of the clown markets we have.

twitter busting out the PPP loan forgiveness receipts today has honestly raised my opinion of the site, it's funny every fucking time

It mind-blowing how much money was given to rich cocksuckers via the PPP.

Predatory student loans designed to create lifetime debt slaves out of kids that didn't know any better is already a giant moral hazard.

sorry what's ppp?

Helping every other country makes more sense.

Personal penis protractor.


This guy. He paid off a lot of people during covid.

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>Changing the rules now is creating a giant moral hazard

while the timing of the loan forgiveness is definitely politically motivated, loans and debt don't have anything to do with moral hazard and i have no idea why people think moral hazard applies here when we have a fucking credit score system.

there's nothing wrong with loans/debt, it's a question of who's being asked to bear it. getting people that don't have a reliable way of repayment to take on debt is nothing short of predatory. we all know that higher education is one of the fundamental requirements for social and economic mobility. predatory doesn't even begin to describe howthe higher education system has a captive market forced to take on debt and then proceeded to squeeze education costs harder than any commodity-based cartel. the moral hazard is on the side of the higher education system that preys on jobless teenagers to take on 6-figure debt that has extremely limited means for defaulting on. it's usuary, simple as.

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No skin in the game, people aren’t going to pay back anything now. Seethe and cope

I agree with your premise but your weird Twitter burn of Crowder is retarded and that example has nothing to do with federal loan forgiveness.